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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • What are even talking about? I made my point clear that it’s not age alone that’s the issue but when there is age related cognitive decline then it becomes an issue. Do you really not see the difference? I had no problem with Bernie Sanders age because he was a sharp and effective leader who was able to effortlessly convey his thoughts and opinions. Biden is clearly confused and lost half the time. If you’re telling me that you honestly can’t see that then maybe it’s you who isnt coherent enough to matter.

  • Age isn’t the issue. Bidens age related decline is the issue. If Biden we’re still sharp and responsive it would be a different story but he’s neither.

    The primarys are a Joke anyway. People like Gavin Newsom know better than to run or they’d risk the ire of those running the party.

    Until we abolish the two party system our country is screwed anyway. Neither of the two parties would ever do that so it’s hopeless. Standing up for Joe at this point is just digging our countries own grave.

    Joe is by far the least likely candidate to beat Trump despite the intense propaganda campaign being run right now. If Joe won’t be replaced then we’d better get used to seeing Trump in the news all day every day because that’s were we’re heading.

  • They knew in 2020 that Joe was slipping but instead of trying to solve the problem then they did nothing but cover up the obvious issues. To go with the metaphor, Alfred was a good man doing the right thing. The modern Democrat party has no Alfred. Instead they now seems to care more about their party’s own power over the actual good of the country. Very few people wanted Joe in 2020 but we were told we vote him in to save democracy and then run someone better in 2024. Now here we are going through the same loop. No, if the Democratic party refuses to run a candidate that the people want then we’ve already lost our democracy. Our two party only system is already a joke and it allows those in power to do whatever they want with the looming threat that the other team will destroy America. I’m sorry to say but the Joker is already in charge.

  • The only problem is that with your merger $200,000 job you’d have to work for 5,000 years at that wage without spending a single penny before you’d reach even one billion dollars. To be e billionaire now would make your start date 3000 BC which would be around the time the Sumeruan writing system was first used.

    • Now, it gets worse. If you want to make Elons 46 billion dollar package you’d have to start working your full time $200,000 job 230,000 years ago. This would be the prehistoric stone age so finding a $200,000 a year job would be difficult. Even more difficult would be staying alive while working full time for 230,000 years while you earn the amount Elon wants handed to him.

    • I think the reason people think having a billion dollars is OK is because they can’t do math and don’t understand the ludicrously in that amount of money.

  • I don’t know anything about this particular waterfall but the existence of a pipe doesn’t mean anything nefarious here. It definitely doesn’t have to mean water was pumped up there unnaturally. It could be that a short segment of pipe was used to keep a river flowing under a segment of rock to control flooding or erosion. I’m not saying that’s what it is but on its face this is a non story without context or evidence of water being pumped.

  • Haha! Well I like how you end your statement with something you completely made up extrapolated from my lack of belief in the system.

    I know for 100% certain that you haven’t had any success in competitive politics because you obviously have no idea how to motivate or influence people with whom you disagree.

    Your attitude is just complacency at this point. Life in the United States has been getting worse for at least a couple of decades. We’ve played the hold your nose and vote game over and over and each time we get the exact same prize. I’m going to assume you’re calling me names because you’re very upset with the lack of enthusiasm for the system right now. If I were you I’d redirect that energy towards topeling the two party system because nothing will ever change when we have a virtual duopoly on power. Push for ranked choice voting, push for a system where voting on a third option doesn’t benefit the candidate with opposite views. That’s a system where we can have real change but your solution won’t get us there because the powerful parties would never willingly relinquish control even if they knew it was for the better good.

  • You won’t get past local politics unless you’re 100% all in on supporting one of two political parties. You deviate on even one party position and they might throw you under the bus calling you a radical that supports the other side. Both of the two parties are continuing to support policies that grow the income inequality divide so it’s difficult to believe this time will be different. Telling people the other side will be worse gets less motivating every election cycle. If the “good” side was serious about doing the right thing they wouldn’t keep nominating the worst candidates possible. * I’d say this cartoon looks accurate as soon as you realize that the characters bailing out water are just there for the photo op and the boat will still sink but just a bit slower.