Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • No, simply because even with pure CSS and even pure HTML you can find ways to leak some information about the browser. For example, a background image that only loads on 1920x1080, another for 2560x1440, and so on. Make hundreds of those for every possible resolution (they can be the same file on the server but at a different path), and there you go, you now figured that the client downloaded img/background/2448x1280.png from the server logs. You can use the same trick for fonts as well, you just apply the same trick on a box on the page that is sized based on text content. Repeat for every font you want to test for.

    There’s just a ton of those little features that are for performance optimizations because loading a 4K background on a 480p phone is a bad experience for everyone involved. Sometimes you need to know the size of some elements to position other elements relative to it. You need the mouse cursor position to open popups at the right place. You need the window size to realign popups and modals. You’d have to go back to text based only sites like it’s the 80s and 90s to avoid that kind of fingerprinting.

    And thus Tor’s solution: everyone’s got the same window size, same fonts and everything.

  • Lemmy wasn’t ready and still mostly not ready for a mass Reddit exodus. The Reddit API fiasco wasn’t anticipated by anybody and the large influx of users exposed a ton of bugs and federation issues.

    But it’s not a failure, yet. I’m sure Reddit had growing pains after the Digg exodus too. Some platforms take years to become popular. Reddit was small for quite a while before it became more mainstream.

    In a way to me Lemmy feels a bit like Reddit must have been a few years before I joined it 12 years ago.

    The problem is the expectation that Lemmy could replace Reddit overnight, and would immediately be a 1:1 replacement.

    Although personally I like it more here, and I get more interactions than Reddit. But I am a tech nerd, so.

  • For me the reason I want a non-smart TV is the software is complete shit and even a Raspberry Pi runs smoother, and I can replace or upgrade the Pi when it becomes too old to be useful instead of the whole TV.

    Those will all become dumb TVs over time, and then you’re stuck using the crappy software to get to your HDMI input through all the lag even though the software is literally useless.

    At least old TVs had ugly as hell but snappy and responsive menus. No waiting 5+ seconds between button presses because the home screen is lagging loading all those ads.

    I caved in and got one anyway and I regret it. Manufactured e-waste. The amount of times I have to reboot the damn thing because even my HDMI input starts glitching out is plainly ridiculous.

  • Even if you’re the weakest link, a good manager and good team would make sure to assign you tasks that match your level such that it all works out in the end. I’m a software engineer and I’m watching over a junior and a senior. One of them gets bigger tasks, one of them get smaller tasks. It’s similar work, but in the end I want both to have cleared the same amount of tickets and feel good about it. When I plan the next tasks, I think of “what can I give to the junior, what can I hand out to the senior”.

    If you guys are always behind schedule, then some manager isn’t managing properly. It either means you need more team members, or your manager should discuss with you ways to improve your performance. But you’ll rarely find a team where every employee is top notch. Some people just work slower than others. It’s the manager’s job to deal with that.

    As for the venting, I think it’s important to be mindful of other people to be on the receiving end. If you need to do that much venting you might want to consider a therapist, who might be able to help you deal those thoughts and how to manage them.

  • I would trust them more than Microsoft because at least they would actually store it encrypted safely and not just basic ACLs that are easy to bypass.

    Even with a root shell on macOS you can’t bypass certain things like access to the camera for example. You’d have to work way harder to access recall data, not in a way that malware can trivially access.

    I still wouldn’t use it though, because I think the whole thing is dumb and I don’t need my computer to spy on me so I can remember what I did yesterday. I have browser/shell history for that.

  • Lemmy updates are a little touchy and buggy, can’t blame them for taking their time. It’s only been out for like a week. They have to load a backup on another server and test it out to see if there’s any issues with the upgrade and how long it’ll take. They have to plan downtime and set aside enough time to do it, handle any issues and a potential rollback.

  • It does away with the emulation entirely, that’s the crazy part. It’s basically a PC port but most of it is generated. Those features have been injected directly into the game itself. It renders at that resolution, no upscaling. It’s still low res textures but the anti aliasing and overall sharpness of it all works out well. The animations are interpolated in-game, no fancy frame predictions or anything.

    It would play absolutely fantastic at 720p on the Switch.