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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2023

  • It’s my main issue I have with the whole topic. Starting in 2017 or so, there were so many idiotic promises regarding space travel and all, this one included. Oh yeah and we’ll colonize Mars btw. Like what are you people on? And now SpaceX is even behind on the contractual obligations to NASA, Artemis will not bring astronauts into moon’s orbit this year. Now while do acknowledge that space travel is really hard, this was achieved almost 60 years ago already. What was promised does in no way match reality. Going to Mars was always unrealistic, but to me it feels like progress on ambitious yet achievable goals is worse than 60 years ago.

  • The mission was contracted for 2023, which already passed. I know SpaceX didn’t cancel it (why would they of they can just move the date into the future indefinitely) and that’s why I said they didn’t perform it. But the result is the same and the reaction of the client understandable. Any sane party will cancel a contract when they see that the other party is unable to fulfill their offer.

  • This would be somewhat interesting if it wasn’t for the fact that most of the countries in BRICS had massive human rights issues themselves or weren’t otherwise problematic:

    Brazil: massive problems under Bolsonaro, luckily he’s no longer president

    Russia: was against Ukraine, Mafia gas station state, oppression of homosexuals. Assassinated Nationals on foreign soil.

    India: Hindu ethnostate with a caste system, also assassinated Nationals on foreign soil.

    China: destabilizing source that uses economic influence to sabotage Western ones through state-sponsored espionage and other measures. Oppression of religious groups (Uighur, abduction of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima…), massive surveillance of its own population…

    South Africa: actually probably the best of the bunch since apartheid ended though definitely not without issues

    If they want so much, they can have their own financial system, but no other country can be forced to participate. It’s just nose again to detract from their own crimes. Which is a shame because they’re important topics that are being hijacked by these assholes. Especially the point of “unilateral protectionist measures” by a group that China is a member of is morning but ridiculous.

  • I don’t really understand the comments here. This is not about vaping being banned, just the flavored variant (which I do have several issues with).

    Why would people not just switch to unflavored vaping instead of smoking? The article notes the ban doesn’t seem to affect older vapers, which makes sense, as the flavored ones are tailored towards younger consumers, which is my main issue. They vape flavorless instead or have been doing it anyways. But why, if your strawberry cheesecake nicotine hit is no longer available, would you not switch to flavorless but instead to a taste that might be straight from the garbage?

  • Cryptocurrency with Tor has unironically done more for drug safety than most administrations worldwide. I hate the framing “fake money for criminals” because while there are despicable crimes, not all of them use cryptocurrency, in fact USD was the most common last time I checked, OTOH what constitutes a criminal can be an arbitrary rule. Woman in Texas having an abortion paying with crypto? Fits the definition but I’m not sure people here would condemn it.

    I’m not happy with how cryptocurrency turned out with the huge speculational bubble, NFTs, not even a huge fan of smart contracts but I think the idea of a decentralized and maybe even anonymous ledger is very much in the spirit of the fediverse.

  • If you actually try to understand what’s happening, I think it’s one of the best ways to learn how a system is composed, at least if you install manually. What’s a partition, file system, what does mounting do, chroots, you name it.

    I don’t use Arch anymore but still think it’s a great distro to learn the basics while still having the luxury of new binary packages. Manual Arch install abstracts basically nothing away from you, for better or for worse.

    Currently on NixOS, I’d say while its engineering is better overall, the things you learn there are much more distribution-specific or maybe concept-specific and often not applicable to other distributions.

    I guess there are also probably ways to install e.g. Debian manually, I’ve never seen instructions for it though as there was always the focus on the installer, and frankly I’m not a big fan of apt and all. It always seemed to be much more convoluted than pacman plus it does a lot of stuff for you, whether you want it or not was my impression.