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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • You genocide defending fucks make me sick to my stomach.

    if this is what does you in, you won’t have a very good time on this little thing here called the internet, again, you keep saying shit i don’t say. Stop putting words in my mouth.

    While we’re here, let’s play a game. one of my personal favorites

    “More legally and specifically” as if “ethnicity” isn’t well defined in international law. gtfo noob.

    alright then big man, link me to the resources that define these things.

    Does the state share cultural and historical background with the rest of the NATION-STATE they belong to? Yes. They do. They share a cultural and historical background.

    most of palestine is partially arab, therefore, palestine is arab in ethnicity. There are a few religious minorities, but that’s typical, though i’m not familiar with most middle eastern states so i wouldn’t know if any of those are illegal elsewhere.

    Also if this is such a hard concept for you to grasp, i will simply point you to asian, european, slavic, african, all of these are arguably ethnicities, though broadly defined, as there are usually more specific subsets for these. Palestinian is arguably a subset of these more broadly defined groups (though i left out the middle east)

    The reason that the holocaust was considered genocide was because it was literally targeting jews, for no reason other than cleansing them. (also it had a kill count in the millions) If genocide is considered to be killing people of an ethnic group, than would you classify the US bombing of japan during ww2 to be an ethnic cleansing? because as far as i can tell, that would not be what that is considered, even remotely. Even though we literally bombed hundreds of thousands of japanese people over the course of the war. Presumably genocide has to be defined by a percentage of the total population, given a motivation to “cleanse” said population, the boulder shooting for example would that count as a genocide? What about the florida church shooting?

    in fact, according to the genocide convention it’s an extremely broad definition, including almost nothing specifically, other than the fact that it must be “… any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:” it doesn’t specify military operations, and i am almost sure there are exceptions to this clause in the definition of military operations, because this is law we’re talking about. In fact, this is also so incredibly broad, that the only way it could reasonably be defined, is in a court of law, specifically an international one, only then would we be able to determine what the answer is here.

    So if you lived a hundred years ago, you would say that the Nazis aren’t on “your land” and thus “literally not your problem to answer”?

    you forget that this is basically what the US did up until germany threatened attack on the US. The nazis were also operating differently, unlike israel, who is actively engaged in war, germany sort of just, walked up to people, waved, said hello, and then invaded them and overthrew their governments within about a week or two. (highly verbatim, don’t take this literally, since you probably know fuck all about ww2 lol)

    Nazi germany was also literally a fascist dictatorship, israel is quite literally a democratic country. These are quite literally two incomparable situations.

    We live in an global interconnected world and you bet your goddamn stinky arse that it’s also your problem, no matter how indirectly. The war in Ukraine isn’t your land, thus “literally not your problem”, right?

    the war in ukraine literally isn’t my problem, i have no control over it, i have no authority over anything related to it, the best i can do is vote. That’s it. Does it affect me? Yes, so do tornados, and hurricanes, and floods, and fires, are those my problem? No, i literally can’t do anything about them. I just have to live with them.

    And that’s a very simple example (for what I assume is a very simple person), but people could list literally thousands of ways how this is your problem as well.

    yeah and the OPEC founding caused the energy crisis of the 70’s. I’m almost certain i could list more ways that the ukraine russia war effects the global economy, i’ve been around the topic extensively and i am rather familiar with the effects of trade on a globalized economy. My point here is that i did not create OPEC, i literally have no control over what russia decides to do, it doesn’t fucking matter what i think.

    Do you live under a fucking rock? https://www.icj-cij.org/case/192

    did you just link the ongoing court case? I’m not up to speed on it as i don’t turbo nerd follow every global political event unfortunately, i have to spend time playing factorio and shit, i’m a person after all. So i’m not sure if this has had a legal conclusion (though i would have almost certainly heard about it) This is literally the equivalent of me suing you for “raping me” that doesn’t mean that you raped me, or that i lied, it just means that it has to go through court, it has to be tried, and it has to be ruled on, to some degree. To my knowledge, none of that has happened yet considering what most of those links appear to be are “motions filing for the convention of genocide”

    The motherfucking INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT has said there are “reasonable grounds” for a genocide, and their standard of proof is a bit higher than some random asshole online who admits they don’t know anything about anything that’s outside of America.

    and i don’t disagree? My problem here is that there is no “proven genocide” it’s “reasonable grounds for genocide” those are two very different things. And yes, the standard of proof IS higher than my dumbass self saying shit on the internet, you’ll notice i have literally NEVER said that this is or isn’t a genocide, i’ve just said that i’m not sure what this would be classified as, because this is a rather unusual proceeding in modern politics.

    also here’s a little fun fact if you’re linking israeli officials that go against netanyahu. Have you ever considered that they may be doing it as an act of political posturing to gain support from opponents of netanyahu? If i were a political figure in israel that was opposed to him, i would absolutely be doing the same thing.

    “plausible violations of the Genocide Convention in Gaza”

    plausible does not mean confirmed, it just means likely possible. Not that it even happened, but that there’s a likely chance that it could’ve happened Plausible is barely any more sound than 'maybe" or “possible” or “technically a possibility”

    saying that what is very clearly an intentional genocide isn’t one and that no-one should do anyone about it.

    wow… you are, uh, very bad at reading comprehension, like really bad. Are you chatGPT by chance? Llama model? What flavor of generative AI are we speaking here?

    To cover this one statement by statement here:

    it is not “very clearly an intentional genocide” it’s a war, between an organziation that has literally (according to your standards) committed an act of terrorism against israel “At least forty-four nations have publicly expressed their unequivocal condemnation of Hamas and explicitly decried its tactics as terrorism.”

    “isn’t one” Show me one message where i have explicitly said “israel is not committing genocide against palestine” Across my ENTIRE account history, please, show me one.

    “no-one should do anyone about it” this one isn’t quite true, it’s more a mischaracterization than anything. What i’m saying is that we you and me, have almost nothing that we can do, other than say “hey i don’t like this, don’t do that shit.” but that’s about the extent of it, our elected officials can do more, and doing this “genocide denial” shit, doesn’t fucking help. Because at the end of the day nobody fucking cares whether it’s genocide or not they want the war to stop

    Do you have no fucking morals?

    i do have morals, they’re just rather minimal, and weirdly enough, don’t include the very specific designation of “ISRAEL BAD PALESTINE GOOD” anywhere in there, it does have shit like “war crimes bad” “war not good” “crime bad” “don’t murder” though.

    Were you just brainwashed so horribly on your Birthright?

    homie you are the one putting words into my mouth here. Please, if you’re going to accuse a degenerate furry of being “brainwashed” at least be clever about it.

    If this were real life, you wouldn’t even dare to say aloud that “why would it even be considered a genocide”, because you’d be so ashamed because everyone would look at you like the drooling moron you are.

    this literally is real life, and i’m right here, and you’re right there, unless you’re chatgpt. Why would i be ashamed? This is a very standard practice in the field of philosophy, especially sociology. Clinical analysis of these types of situations is the only thing that provides meaningful results. Also cool adhom, should i call you removeded now? Is that how this works? I would rather not though, because that’s extremely rude.

    Educate yourself https://www.icj-cij.org/case/192

    again, i think you need to actually read what it says, because it’s pretty explicit about what it says, and what it says is that “it is possible that genocide has been committed in gaza by israel.” If it said anything else, there would be an arrest warrant out for netanyahu, most of the upper political government, as well as most military leaders, and perpetrators of the “genocide” weirdly, there seems to be a distinct lack of any of this happening, and i’m not sure why, it’s almost as if nobody really knows what the status of what is currently happening is.

  • idk i’ve grown up around a family with various siblings, and my experience has generally been that doing much of anything with a baby, especially one that shits itself is often more work than it’s worth.

    maybe this shits uniquely american, but i can’t recall anybody just changing their babies diaper in public. In public bathrooms sure (a car even? Though i don’t consider that public), there’s changing stations there, and it’s to be expected, but certainly not just, in the middle of a park.

  • hence why i said rude at best, because yknow, human fecal matter has never been known to cause disease and sickness in other humans. Let alone what kind of sanitary problems that would cause in most places.

    Im sure people carry kit with them, but shit happens (literally) and i would certainly want to be in a bathroom rather than not be in one, because that way it’s atleast contextually contained and expected. Also do you not have a car? That would certainly explain some of this.

  • the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.

    so technically this more closely matches the definition of ethnic, rather than ethnicity, but ethnicity is just the specific designation of an ethnic group, so meh.

    from my understanding around the local area to Palestine and Israel, is that Palestine (and Israel as well) are more legally and specifically defined, than ethnically defined. You could argue that Palestinian would be an ethnicity, but like i said, is the entire state of Wyoming also an ethnicity? Indiana locals are Hoosiers, yet they don’t ascribe to a certain ethnicity. Like i said i just don’t know enough about the local area to be able to classify it more properly.

    In fact, the basic internet resources seem to affirm this, googling Palestine brings up two primary results (for me at least) Palestine: the geographical area (unrelated to ethnicity) and the state of Palestine: the country (presumably also unrelated to ethnicity)

    “Half of the Palestinian population are diaspora and refugees.” also pulled from the same resource, uses Palestinian to refer to the people who “are a member of Palestine” rather than an ethnicity. Historically this is what ethnicity means, but i don’t believe that Palestine, over the last 50 years of it’s literally global timeline, has remained to be Palestinian, i’m almost certain it’s floated away over time, as things tend to do in systems of entropy.

    this is from wikipedia, so not a guaranteed source of truth but it seems that Palestine is Arab, which would make Palestine ethnically Arab, ignoring the minority communities. From what i can tell, and from what i expect, Palestine seems to be a cultural melting pot of sorts, so i’m really not sure the term genocide applies here at all.

    The mental fucking gymnastics you genocides defenders come up with.

    it’s really not, is an individual state in the US considered to be it’s own ethnicity? Genuine question.

    We live in a global, interconnected society. Yes, it is your fucking problem, no matter how indirectly.

    and yet, i only speak English, how many languages do you speak? I only live in the US, where do you live? I only have experience with western US society because i haven’t been anywhere else. Where have you been?

    With all due sincerity, i do not fucking know shit out most of the world outside of the US, it’s literally not my place to make governmental decisions for the UK, or Ireland for example. Do i want Israel and Palestine to be at war? No, same as i don’t want Ukraine and Russia to be at war, am i going to tell them what to do? No, it’s not my fucking land, and it’s not my fucking government. This is literally not my problem to answer.

    The western society, the US in particular has issues with over projecting power and influence into eastern society and expecting it to work, it doesn’t time after time. Why are we expecting this to be any different?

    genocides defenders

    also to be clear, you are quite literally pulling this out of your ass, because i’m not even sure this would be classified as a genocide, it might be. And here you are arguing that i am quite literally defending it, even though the only thing i contest is what these actions are constituted as. Whether or not i think it’s genocide or not doesn’t magically make all the people dying go away. You’re the one doing that conflation here, not me.

    also, cool reference to the nazis, once Israel turns to Egypt and starts bombing them indiscriminately or something, i’ll believe you.

  • Based on that reasoning, I should not show anyone any photo of my child until they were old enough to consent to them being taken.

    based on that reasoning i shouldnt expose my child to the visual perception of other people who exist outside in the chance that one of them non consensually perceives my child.

    You wouldn’t expose your child naked in public, why would you expose them naked on picture?

    I’m not embarrassed by my body and if that’s what her partner really wants to see, I don’t care.

    that’s great, the implication there is that you’re still showing it to other people, and if we’re talking family and friends, i don’t know many people that would want that.

  • i didn’t take them and i didn’t consent to them existing either. Neither did i consent to them being shown to anybody.

    Naked humans are also normal, yet we still wear clothes. babies included, weirdly enough.

    At what point does “naked baby photos” turn to “naked children photos” is my question.

    how about this. You can have your naked baby photos, you just also have to be in the photo and naked as well.