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Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024

  • This experiment with democracy

    I agree with the thrust of your comment, but I think it’s an overstatement to say the US was ever a democracy.

    Our country is an imperial power that was built ontop of a genocide, by slaves, to support white male property owners. It was always designed as an oligarchy with features like the electoral college to make sure the will of the people could never compete with the will of the powerful. Policy outcomes haven’t reflected public opinion on any major issues since the 70s.

    I’d say what’s going on is moving from a broad oligarchy to a narrower more centralized oligarchy. Which is still moving in the wrong direction and will definitely make life worse for most Americans.

  • When the police kill an unarmed child and then try to justify their actions, they’re going to have to lie because there’s no justifiable reason to kill an unarmed child. Hence claiming that the dead child both fled and menanced them and pre-discrediting the evidence against them.

    There’s an ocean of examples of police lying to cover up their killings. They lie so often that they got the courts to confirm they have no duty to tell the truth.

    Your radical denial of where all the evidence points is not as moderate as you seem to believe.