Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Blimmin heck! Appreciate the effort in digging that photo up! It doesn’t sound like the same place though.

    I’ve done a similar journey in the past and there’s places to stop everywhere. Even in a jungle in north Sulawesi at night, middle of no where, some fella selling durian in a cabin next to a dirt road.

    This is covering a few experiences across Indonesia. We stopped at a frozen food shop which had 2 lions in small cages. Stopped at a private collector to see the world’s smallest primate (which I can’t remember the name of now) to find chimpanzees in cages bearly large enough to hold them. Driver stopped at a village which was ravaged by a volcano and people rebuilding their houses, asked if we wanted to stop to take pictures. Asked if we want to visit a wet market selling dog meat. Mid 2000’s, driver asked if we wanted to stop by at the scene of the Bali bombings for photos. Went to a turtle sanctuary to find them baking in bad conditions. Went to a coral reef to find some of the worse plastic pollution I’ve personally seen. Don’t even start me on Jakarta! Although that pace is improving in recent years

    Place is crazy. Total lack of consideration for animals and people, unless religion or culture is involved, then the rules are strict. I got in trouble once for handing money over with my left hand.

    Totally different to what I’m used to! Place is nuts.

  • I was in Bandung in Indonesia earlier this year. We visited one of these places not realising what it was. The visitor centre had a bunch of cages which weren’t small but I wouldn’t say large enough for the size of the animal. We asked if we can see the actual farm. He said it was the largest farm so we asked to see it. Nope, not allowed.

    They’re also on a strict diet. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones not on display are force fed.

  • My sister once asked if I could help with the kitchen sink in her house as it was blocked. I started taking waste pipes off and quickly realised there’s a bunch of sardines stuck in one pipe. Her 15 year old daughter had shoved fish down the waste pipe of the sink rather than putting them in the bin. I still can’t understand the logic in her head. Surely it’s more difficult to push fish through the small holes at the bottom of the sink than it is to take 2 steps towards the bin.

  • My wife is Asian and we live in the UK. Quite often when we meet people who instead of simply asking “what sort of job do you do” they ask things like “Do you work in the NHS”, “Are you a nurse”, “Do you work in a care home”.

    Some random person outside a shop asked me how much my Asian bride costs.

    My wife and son were getting off a bus and somebody asked her how much would she sell her son for.

    Probably a bunch more but that’s all that comes to mind atm.

  • After my son was born I would get up in the morning, usually before he and wife were awake, go to work. When I got home from work I would be lucky to see him for an hour before my wife put him to bed. Hardly ever saw him.

    Then the pandemic happened, he just turned two at the time. I was then told to work from home. It was brilliant. I got to spend so much time with my son. I still work from home now but he’s at school these days.

    The pandemic was not kind to a lot of people but for me personally I have great memories because of it.

  • I work for a a UK food manufacturer which did export 40% to the EU. The added costs of getting food over to EU resulted in the sales teams having to renegotiate the selling prices to EU customers. Most basically said no. Why should they pay a higher price when they can source the same type of product within the EU at a lower price. The big EU buyers stopped trading with us.

    When politicians say businesses need to adapt I really have no idea what they have in mind when they say that. We are not in a position to demand customers pay more. And most businesses aren’t in a position to swallow additional costs. The only reason our business didn’t sink is because it’s part of a much larger group so was able to flatten out the financial impact by borrowing internally.

    I’m starting to think “adapt” means tough shit.