• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I am sooooo fucking sick and tired of people touting out that tired cliché to defend capitalists…

    I think instead we should start saying “don’t let the manipulation by their benefactors stand in the way of the reality of the systems they maintain”.

    I doubt anyone is expecting perfection at this point, I know I’m not (it being a literal impossibility and all), but them pretending to be “good” and you buying it, doesn’t actually make it any good at all (as I said - it’s just giving them the space to continue as they are for a fee that they will never pay, their trapped customers will).

    Defending this bullshit as the good we should be happy to compromise for serves no one but the people running the oil companies (and the politicians they pay to ensure such legislation has no legs).

    You are playing their game, and supporting their team, bathing in the placation of their greenwashing and letting them get away with it. That is what’s in the way of good.

  • There is not a single afab person I know that doesn’t remember when they got their first period.

    I could tell you not only how old I was, but where I was, about what time of day it was when I first found out, and how long it lasted.

    This idea that women and girl’s memories and knowledge of our own bodies can’t be trusted is nothing but good old fashioned misogyny, and it’s this kind of bullshit assumption as a starting point that is one of a variety of reasons we get treated so much worse by medical professionals (and society in general, like when we get doubted and even blamed when we get sexually attacked or harassed).

    Maybe instead of trying to pick holes in our experience, which you clearly know nothing about, just shut the fuck up and listen? You don’t always have to chip in, your ignorant opinion really isn’t that valuable…

  • It’s not possible.

    By design, of course.
    For those who won’t look it up the takeaway is that when a massively popular, actually left leaning candidate makes it far enough in the race and poses a real threat to the establishment despite the hurdles it has already put in their way in the form of the media and state dictated education that sow hatred of anything remotely socialist, the media will then go in to overdrive to stop them from getting in to power by any means possible.
    And it works. Again - because of a combination of no education for critical thinking against the establishment, and a media that serves it.
    It’s one of the ways in which the system is rigged to always work in favour of the rich and powerful, and why elections are nothing but a charade (especially in a monarchy) - they will never let us have an equitable and just society that works for all of its members, they have too much to lose, and they would kill us all off in a blink if it protected their status (they already are). The time for fighting back in self defence is long overdue…