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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • I was really disappointed in Disco Elysium. The way online gamer leftists go on about it would think playing it is praxis.

    The climax of game’s communist path is stacking match boxes and holding them up with “communist” faith. The presentation of communism was sarcastic and nonsensical. I don’t know how fascism is presented when you pursue that path but at best it treats it with the same distain as it treats communism.

    Media that says “communism doesn’t even work in a fantasy setting where the power of thought and will can overcome physical laws of gravity” in not pro communist. Its liberal centrist garbage at best.

  • They put on this sarcastic voice when talking about the goals of communism like we are supposed to believe that communists don’t really want equality and classless society they just say they do. They just said “he gets to rewrite history… who cares what’s true Kim gets to write what’s true and he is going to right it with entertainment” right after repeating the western propaganda about DPRK.

    And they downplay the ethnic cleansing that the south and Americans did and imply that killing landlords is bad.

    This is horrible. 99% sure they are getting funding and script edits from the CIA. I give up on watching any more because its just infested with liberalism and anti-communism. The presenter would be a waste of a bunk in a reeducation gulag.

  • Socialism is the process of building communism. Its a dangerous path fraught with dangers on all sides. Deng made market reforms to preserve the forward momentum of the socialist project in China. Had he not made some market reforms it is more than likely that China would not survived as a socialist state at all.

    Deng did not accept capitalist structures into the country. At the end of the day no matter how rich individual billionaires might be the Party still controls the central bank and the means of production. They are still subject to the will of the people.

  • Russia isn’t that far off from the same imperialist thinking

    Where is your evidence? How do you know what “Russian thinking” is? This is just orientalism. Look at the actions of Russia not your crystal ball or phrenology chart.

    Russia didn’t just invade ukraine because they wanted the land or resources. Russia wanted a neutral neighbour as a buffer between itself and the imperialists. They dont want Ukrainian land or resources. Russia already had more of everything that ukraine has. They spent decades telling nato that eastern expansion was an existential threat. Russia spent 9 years trying to get ukraine and nato to uphold negotiated signed peace deals. Those are not imperialist methods. The war in ukraine was started by imperialism from nato. Resisting imperialism is anti-imperialist.

    Russia’s involvement in South Ossetia is anti-imperialist too. Ossetia was granted independence from the Georgian SSR by the USSR. When the USSR was dismantled Georgia tried to re-annex Ossetia against the Ossetian people’s will. Georgia’s claims over Ossetia are imperialist in nature. It is not a land grab. Russia has floated the idea of offering Ossetia membership in the Russian federation but not without a referendum and consent of the people. Russia does have troops in Ossetia but they were invited by the Ossetians.

    Russia is by no means a socialist nation, reactionary ideas abound and there is legitimate concern that they could become imperialists if the USA were out of the picture BUT… right now the reality is they are opposing imperialism. Russia’s close ties with China and the fact that they will likely never be able to match China mean any imperialist dreams that Russians might have will be just dreams.

    china i actually do like. They might value life a little less

    WTF is this? thats just mad levels of racist, more orientalism, and again not based on material reality. If China doesn’t value life why have they raised the average life expectancy faster than every other nation in history? If they don’t value life why are they responsible for installing more green energy than the rest of the western world combined several years in a row?

    Kill the racist in your brain. Its poisoning your thinking. Stop telling yourself you understand the “thinking” of entire nations. Look at their actions.

    Honestly China sucks at anti-imperialism. They don’t further imperialism or profit from it directly but they also don’t do much to slow it down. They don’t confront the west on their imperialism. They barely finger waged the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. They learned the wrong lesson from their mistake supporting Pol Pot and now they don’t intervene on behalf of anyone even socialists in their back yard. They seem to think the best way forward is to wait the imperialists out but in the meantime there are 5 billion people crushed under the imperialist boot. Its a reactive plan with no guarantees and a certain ethical dubiousness.

  • The issues on hexbear from a month and a half ago were never resolved and the issues have metastasized. There have been waves of bans and many longtime users have given up fighting. (I’m one of them) There are one or more admins who are actively hostile to the userbase and are attempting to reshape the user base by banning people and silencing certain discussions. They decided to Luigi is a fascist and even trying to discuss otherwise gets you banned. (yes he liked and shared many really reactionary posts but he was not a fascist, just an ignoramus)

    Honestly I feel like the feds got an admin account and put an expert wrecker on the operation. The way admin accounts are anonymized its impossible to know who is making the decisions over there and it seems quite obvious that some of them are trying (and succeeding) to destroy the site.