• filister@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Don’t forget the right wing protesters who are preventing humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, which the Israeli government does very little about.

    Seriously one would assume that since they are under investigation by the ICJ for committing of genocide in Gaza, Israeli authorities will be a little bit more concerned with their actions and public image, but they seem to act with impunity and believe they will get another pass by the western governments.

    We sanctioned the shit out of Russia and did absolutely nothing here.

    • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
      5 months ago

      FYI most protestors on the border are either family of current Hamas hostages or people who were dislocated due to the war.

      • filister@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        And how is starving more than 2 Millions innocent, and mind you a big chunk of those are underage kids, helping their cause?

        And Israel can easily prevent this, but they simply don’t care about Palestinians, who they are actively trying to dehumanize.

        • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
          5 months ago

          Yeah, go ahead and tell the Israeli Police/Army, who are most likely also a first/second circle of people who got personally affected by the acts of October 7th to forcibly evacuate people who are heart broken by the fact that their relatives are in a terror tunnel in Gaza, and the country which they live in and is supposed to get them out are instead sending aid which has been proven to be stolen by the same terrorists who have their relatives.

          When this absurd theater of life interacts with reality not everything is that simple to achieve.

          • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            Fuck those poor, helpless, blockaded, starving civilians that have been bombed from their homes, if we give them water/food/power/ceasefire it goes to Hamas

            Your bitterness and hatred will just continue the cycle of violence. I hope you do better, but history has shown that we don’t. Look beyond yourself and your pain, and maybe ask why

            • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
              5 months ago

              Fuck those poor, helpless, blockaded, starving civilians that have been bombed from their homes, if we give them water/food/power/ceasefire it goes to Hamas

              Where did I say that, why do you misquoted me?

              • Milk_Sheikh@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                You replied to a commenter pointing out that a million plus civilians are starving to death, with “WHAT ABOUT THE ISRAELI POLICE???”

                Everyone except the most hardcore anti-semites was completely horrified on Oct 7-9. Then the IDF began its bombing campaign, and here we are today, quibbling over which hospital is okay to blow up, or how much the Israelis should be allowed to starve the Gazan

                Just like the Global War on Terror, the crimes done by America dominate the discussions and history- 9/11 and the civilian deaths is acknowledged as the casus belli but the overreaction is our legacy

                • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
                  5 months ago

                  quibbling over which hospital is okay to blow up

                  No hospital was blown up in this conflict according to what I know, I’ll be happy if you show me evidence of that.

                  or how much the Israelis should be allowed to starve the Gazan

                  Nobody is allowing any such thing: There are thousands of hostages relatives and friends who are understandably very distraught due to this all situation, and for them sitting, probably not even in their home since October 7th, and seeing the aid pouring into Gaza while their loved ones are rotting in some Hamas terror tunnel will understandably make them want to do something about it. The police is obviously hesitant to use force on people in this situation, especially given they are most likely affected by the current fighting and understand that Hamas is stealing and abusing this aid to prolong the fighting.

                  The above is my explanation, not an endorsement for their actions. I’m sure this matter will be resolved, if not already.

          • filister@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            So what’s your solution, let’s leave all Palestinians die of hunger?

            And again to reiterate, Hamas might have killed a bit less than 1000 civilians, but IDF has killed 20 times more. They are also responsible for the destruction of almost half the civilian infrastructure there, the destruction of civilian homes, agricultural land, mass starvation, has created dire humanitarian catastrophe, damaged hospitals, killed paramedics, kids, manage to turn this war the deadliest for journalists in modern history, committed numerous war crimes, are investigated by the ICJ for committing genocide, etc. and you still defend them?

            Shall we also mention that you managed to frustrate greatly even your closest ally the US, who is getting more annoyed with you by the day and now you are planning to attack Rafah, where more than half of the population of Gaza is sheltering, pushing them more to the abyss of despair.

            And these are indisputable FACTS.

            • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
              5 months ago

              Hamas might have killed a bit less than 1000 civilians, but IDF has killed 20 times more

              Notice how you know the exact civilian vs combatant numbers for the Israeli side but not for the Palestinians. IDF claims a 7-9k dead combatants, so that’s an almost 2:1 ratio, which is unheard of especially in this dense urban fighting while Hamas tries to maximize civilian casualties.

              They are also responsible for the destruction of almost half the civilian infrastructure there, the destruction of civilian homes, agricultural land, mass starvation, has created dire humanitarian catastrophe, damaged hospitals, killed paramedics, kids, manage to turn this war the deadliest for journalists in modern history, committed numerous war crimes

              Yeah, all of that is on Hamas

              and you still defend them?

              Israel is the only side who had actually strived for peace over the years, that enthusiasm for peace has been tested to the extreme and unfortunately dwindled for obvious reasons, but even after the horrific events of October 7th you can still find voices calling for a two state solution. There was no such attempts for peace from the Palestinians, on the contrary - just more missiles and terror attacks for every attempt at a permanent settlement of the conflict. So, yeah, of course I defend them.

              Shall we also mention that you managed to frustrate greatly even your closest ally the US, who is getting more annoyed with you by the day and now you are planning to attack Rafah, where more than half of the population of Gaza is sheltering, pushing them more to the abyss of despair.

              Hamas is an obstacle to peace and must be disabled, they can stop this war now if they wanted by releasing the man, woman, children and babies (!) they currently hold captive, and surrender. If they don’t do that Israel had no other viable course of action to get rid of this threat, hopefully with as little civilian casualties as possible.

              And these are indisputable FACTS.

              Some facts, some unsubstantiated propaganda, some opinions

          • filister@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            So you just proved how racism works. When the suffering of 100 Israelis > suffering of 2M + Palestinians.

            • idoubledo@lemmy.sdf.org
              5 months ago

              That’s not racism, that’s just your interpretation of these events. All I did was to correct the commenter about the identity of those protesting.

              I doubt you would do anything different if you would be in their shoes.

      • filister@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Dislocated and living in hotels, having access to food, clean water, healthcare.

        Shall we talk about the dislocated Gazans who are living in makeshift tents, have no food, water, electricity or access to healthcare?

        Or do you want to comment out on the fact that Israeli authorities are not permitting delivery of tent poles because those poles can be used as weapons? Imagine fighting tanks with tent poles… Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/civilians-or-hamas-dual-use-issue-complicates-gaza-aid-efforts-2024-01-05/