Doubling down on the censorship of inconvenient truths will surely help after your whole instance demonstrated the folly in censoring inconvenient truths. /s
Remember: if you think you have to censor the truth about your supposed left wing candidate of choice, they’re probably NOT actually very leftist at all and you’re doing fascist shit directly for a fascist.
If you refuse to allow people to speak the truth, you’re not even doing a decent job, pretending to be one of the “ good guys”.
White noise that sends missiles and bombs to kill millions around the world. It’s very dangerous white noise is it not?
If the rest of the world is educated on our sham political system then maybe people like you can educate the identity politics dupes that I have to be censored by when I point to rampant corporatism in an impotent attempt to wriggle my way out of this wage slave trap.
For example, here’s an image I love to point to that shows why the US is so stupidly tribalist:
It shows what needs to be done to try and fix this removed country.
The rest of the world is already overeducated on US politics. I don’t know the electoral system of my neighboring countries even though that’s just as important, if not more. But US politics is shoved down everyone’s throats. Too much! Handle your internal shit internally and don’t spill the sewage all over the internet.
Doubling down on the censorship of inconvenient truths will surely help after your whole instance demonstrated the folly in censoring inconvenient truths. /s
Remember: if you think you have to censor the truth about your supposed left wing candidate of choice, they’re probably NOT actually very leftist at all and you’re doing fascist shit directly for a fascist.
If you refuse to allow people to speak the truth, you’re not even doing a decent job, pretending to be one of the “ good guys”.
You have assumed the reason for the rule is censorship. I think incorrectly.
It would add some clarity if the post included a justification for censorship to avoid speculation
It’s not inconvenient truth, it’s white noise for the rest of the world
White noise that sends missiles and bombs to kill millions around the world. It’s very dangerous white noise is it not?
If the rest of the world is educated on our sham political system then maybe people like you can educate the identity politics dupes that I have to be censored by when I point to rampant corporatism in an impotent attempt to wriggle my way out of this wage slave trap.
For example, here’s an image I love to point to that shows why the US is so stupidly tribalist:
It shows what needs to be done to try and fix this removed country.
The rest of the world is already overeducated on US politics. I don’t know the electoral system of my neighboring countries even though that’s just as important, if not more. But US politics is shoved down everyone’s throats. Too much! Handle your internal shit internally and don’t spill the sewage all over the internet.
fuck yeah i agree!!