• OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Is the thinking behind this comment that Trump being worse excuses Biden of his failures? He is losing young people by funding a genocide. Not all people are pragmatic, unfortunately.

    So either we complain about people not being pragmatic and voting for someone they have a legitimate issue with, OOOORRRR we could be mad at the president of the United States breaking the law and alienating would be voters by giving weapons to a state that has been committing war crimes for over 7 months.

    Of course we can do both but let’s not pretend the major problem is “voters with morals” rather than “president aiding a genocide”

    It’s pretty fucking basic.

    • BedSharkPal@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      Are we all pretending Trump would somehow be better for the situation overseas?

      But hey let’s just not vote for democracy and hope it all just works itself out.

      • WamGams@lemmy.ca
        1 month ago

        Yes, they are pretending Trump will be better for Palestine.

        And all of them will go quiet when Trump enables total annihilation of the Palestinian people. Maybe some of them will find a way to blame Biden, but I think the majority of accounts will be abandoned the day after the election.

        • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          If you honestly think saying “Biden is not good on Palestine” is saying “Trump is better than Biden on Palestine” I think you have a way bigger problem than the outcome of the election

          • WamGams@lemmy.ca
            1 month ago

            If you feel that a comment said to somebody else doesn’t apply to you, it probably wasn’t directed at you.

            That being said, the people who are poisoning the well against Biden, the ones who have made Palestine the only issue affecting this election, the ones screaming “genocide Joe,” their actions are going to lead to more dead Palestinians than anything Biden has done.

            • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              My comment, then someone says “are we pretending trump will be better?” In response, then this person says “yes.” If they’re not talking to me and are just talking generally about other people that do this in reply to my comment, pretty weird, but my point still stands.

              their actions are going to lead to more dead Palestinians than anything Biden has done.

              Uh huh. Who has been arming Israel again?

              • WamGams@lemmy.ca
                1 month ago

                If the choice you get to make is 30,000 dead civilians or a person who outright said Israel needs to “finish the job,” and you are campaigning against the lesser amount of deaths, you bear moral responsibility when total annihilation happens.

                • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  So Biden sends the bombs.

                  These people say “Stop sending bombs”

                  And they are the ones you think will bear the responsibility if Trump wins and makes it worse? Not trump. Not Biden for not listening to his voters OR HIS CONSCIENCE. Not Netanyahu and co using the bombs. The people saying “stop doing that.” Jesus fucking christ

                  • WamGams@lemmy.ca
                    1 month ago

                    You guys are the ones who made this election solely about Palestine, rightly or wrongly (I personally think probably rightly) and now we have to vote on that.

                    Do we limit the amount of deaths and use diplomacy to save lives, or do we choose the person Netanyahu wants, the one who seeks to help him complete his goals of eradication.

                    All people who are helping to ensure Trump wins over Biden is helping kill Palestinian children.

                    I’m sorry, but the world has given us nothing but bad choices and we have to choose the least bad option. Failure to do so is moral cowardice.

      • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Are we all pretending Trump would somehow be better for the situation overseas?

        Can you show me where I did that? You can even look through my comment history if you like. Didn’t happen here. Never happened anywhere.

        But hey let’s just not vote for democracy and hope it all just works itself out.

        Hey let’s just give weapons to someone we know is going to use it to commit war crimes in violation of our own laws and basic morals and hope the election just kind of works itself out.

        I agree democracy is important to protect and Biden needs to win in order to do that. That’s exactly the issue…

        …You know, if you’re solely thinking about American politics and not whether or not it’s bad to destroy every single hospital in a region and slowly starve children to death.

      • OccamsTeapot@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Goddamn, your arguments sound like a naive little child who is upset they can’t have it all. Welcome to the real world bud.

        Because I think the US president shouldn’t be aiding a genocide? I didn’t realise this was such a big ask. Upset that I can’t “have it all” as if this is me wanting to not have to pay taxes or something.

        Biden’s US has done the most for providing aid in Gaza by FAR

        I agree he’s helped with aid. Also helped create the need for the aid though so it undermines it somewhat.

        What is Biden supposed to do here?

        Followed by

        By land, from the other side, we have israeli zionist bastards blocking aid into Gaza

        How about: “Israel, open the fucking crossings, remove the protesters and stop arbitrarily delaying aid into Gaza otherwise there will be no more arms and we will delay aid to you until the problem is fixed.”

        “We will stop providing cover for you at the UN if you don’t fix this problem immediately.”

        Many similar things. He has leverage he is not using over the people who are primarily responsible for this issue.

        I don’t expect Biden to do it all but he’s been trying to convince them to not be monsters for 7 months now and it isn’t going so well. He needs to step it up.