• FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So stop being so one-sided and actually acknowledge there are two sides to this conflict, and that all parties are reaponsible.

    I find comments like this frustrating.

    There may be two sides, but there’s only one side with an actual military and nukes and only one side running an apartheid. The only reason people aren’t referring to Israel as a terrorist state (which they are) is that they’re destroying hospitals with bombs dropped from planes and shooting news reporters with guns held by soldiers in military uniforms.

    The other side has no military, has been blockaded for sixteen years, is terrorized and killed at will without recourse, and isn’t actually allowed to leave.

    What makes Israel the criminal here is the power they wield and how they’ve chosen to use it.

    So sure, yeah, there are two sides, yes, but the two sides are very, very different.

    • Guydht@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Oh so because the other side is weak they’re supposed to just sit idle when they murder pillage and rape? You’re disregarding all the brutal fights Israel has fought against its neighbours as “they’re strong so boo hoo”. They also have thousands dead. They’re also terrorized daily. Just because they’re stronger doesn’t make them less right. Again, they of course have a responsibility in this situation, but come on. Please tell me of any rocket launchers hidden inside a hospital Israel has. Blaming solely israel for the palestinian miserable lives is half the story. A big part of it is their terrorist leadership who take advantage of their poverty to promote a gruesome war they started (not talking about these days, talking about 48, where all the UN agreed on something and they chose to invade. Since then both sides are fully taking part in this war.).