• III@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Yet strangely you focus on Biden instead of his opponent’s stance… Your hypocrisy is showing.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Bidens opponents stance is irrelevant. You smooth brains keep painting this as if its a choice along a spectrum.

      No one who would is voting for Trump is going to vote for Biden, and no Biden voters are going to move to Trump. Maybe an irrelevantly small portion, but so small that we can and should ignore them. The voters are locked into their preference, but they aren’t’ locked into showing up yet.

      Both candidates are competing only between themselves and staying home. Both Trump and Biden are in a race to the bottom to see who can convince more voters to stay on the couch in November.

      Maybe someday you’ll develop some semblance of political acumen to actually understand how and why elections are won in lost, but if you have any, you and the rest of the apologists sure aren’t showing it. We’re in an age of populism. The center did not hold. Obama was wrong. You win elections in a post 2016 world by people out to vote for you. Its not that complicated.

      Biden’s opponent in this election isn’t Trump.

      Its Biden.

      • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
        4 months ago

        No one who would is voting for Trump is going to vote for Biden, and no Biden voters are going to move to Trump. Maybe an irrelevantly small portion, but so small that we can and should ignore them.

        Around 7% of all votes cast are swing voters whose presidential preference by party is unpredictable election-to-election. Surely a teensy, tinsy amount. Nothing to worry about. I’m sure US presidential elections aren’t decided by much smaller percentages.

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Biden needs to get Biden voters to show up. Period.

          Biden doesn’t need to be worrying about an unreliable 7% when he’s lost a reliable 10%.

          These aren’t a “maybe he’ll win, maybe he’ll lose” 10% of voters.

          These are a “Biden CAN NOT WIN THIS ELECTION without them” 10% of voters.

          Fuck the swing voters. Biden can’t get enough reliably democratic voters to vote for him. That’s an issue ORDERS of magnitude larger than trying to capture swing voters.

          People aren’t writing in “uncommited” because of Trump. They are writing in “uncommited” because of Biden. Nothing Trump does is going to change them because its not like they aren’t flipping from Biden to Trump. They are flipping from Biden to “I can’t in good confidence vote for a guy who supports the whole-cloth genocide of a people”.

          To the primacy that started this thread:

          Criticism of Trump is irrelevant because its not Trump hurting Biden in the polls.

          Its Biden hurting Biden in the polls.

          • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
            4 months ago

            Ah, yes, everyone in the uncommitted campaign in the primary is now going to not vote, or vote third-party.

            They are flipping from Biden to “I can’t in good confidence vote for a guy who supports the whole-cloth genocide of a people”.

            Oh, cool, then they’ll in good confidence ensure a guy gets in who supports the whole-cloth genocide of multiple peoples, including the ones they’re supposedly protesting against. Great. I’ll thank them from the camp showers.

            • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              You are just throwing the whole thing because some people are more committed to their morals than you are, and you aren’t convincing the people who need to be convinced with this approach to rhetoric. You are just driving them further and further away from being able to consider Biden.

              If you focused your ire where it belong, on Biden, and were making an argument that we can drag him to where he needs to be, you might actually help him pick up a vote or two.

              Even better, you could make the point directly that you can’t in good conscious vote for him if he doesn’t shift his position on Gaza, there-by bringing significantly more voters to Bidens table than just yourself.

              Like I said, this is between Biden and the couch, but all you are doing is scoring points for the couch.

              • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                4 months ago

                You are just throwing the whole thing because some people are more committed to their morals than you are

                Yeah, some people are more committed to killing MORE Palestinians AND Americans in addition, as well as Ukrainians; rather than killing fewer Palestinians. Great morals they have. I hope we don’t end up in the same camp.

                • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  I hope we don’t end up in the same camp.

                  Oh they won’t be letting me get to the camps. My names out there and I’ve been doxxed by white nationalists directly for my work. I’ve been loud and clear about my stance against fascism since long before Trump.

                  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldOP
                    4 months ago

                    Oh they won’t be letting me get to the camps.

                    Cute. Not sure you understand how fascist regimes operate when they get to the ‘camp’ phase of things.

                    My names out there and I’ve been doxxed by white nationalists directly for my work

                    Yeah, that’s only reinforcement that you’ll be in the camps with the rest of us. We’ll probably be bunkmates in the barracks, with my luck. At least we won’t have to tolerate each other long.