It can be whatever, but has anyone ever experienced a moment or moments that has happened to them that defies one’s expectations so wildly that they cannot reasonably define it beyond stupid dumb luck?

I still play this scenario out in my mind years later as I am still somewhat in disbelief that it actually happened and I walked away without any injuries.

I like to joke, saying my guardian angel tripped me at the perfect time.

Scenario describing my event in question:


I noticed two suspicious individuals and as I past them they started to walk towards me. My response was to shout and make a scene while trying to make distance crossing the road without concern for traffic - road was quiet, early in the morning on a holiday as I was on my way to work.

The suspicious individuals responded by rushing towards me as one produced a knife and prepared it in lunging stance like someone preparing to slam a knife into a board.

I knew I couldn’t outrun them, no self-defense training, the best I could come up was extend my left hand out to minimise the target area of my vital organs. I was preparing for the worst and I guess fight or flight was preparing for a last stand fight.

What happened next is that I tripped on the pavement in the middle of the road at the exact same time the guy with the knife lunged.

He went flying over me - in an arc - from the momentum of the lunge with everything of his flying everywhere including his knife, his accomplice rushed into my periphery.

I landed in probably the worst scenario lying on my back, but I tried to keep the attackers in view. I don’t know why but the guy - who disarmed himself from the fall - panicked and picked up all his stuff and started running with his accomplice in tow.

    5 days ago

    Shot myself with a BB gun when I was a kid. Not intentionally. I shot at a tire filled with concrete because I was being an idiot and it didn’t occur to me that the BB would ricochet off the tire. I would have shot myself in the face if not for my left middle finger being in exactly the right spot. I still have the scar as a reminder.

    Remember kids, BB guns are firearms and firearms deserve respect.

      5 days ago

      That’s a coincidence. I remember getting shot right in the middle of my forehead with a pellet gun. My friends and I were playing at their house and were shooting pellet guns. I was leaning over a railing in the side of their house looking down to where my friend was shooting at. To this day I don’t know how it happened, but I remember the pellet ricocheting straight up to where I was leaning over and hit me directly in the middle of my forehead. But, I don’t remember feeling any pain or having a mark. I remember looking up at friends in surprise and that’s it. If I had moved my head just a tiny bit further up or to the side, I probably would’ve lost one of my eyes. That’s just one of the many times where I would’ve gotten a serious injury when I was a kid but somehow, I never did.