In a nutshell, mine would be:

  • “My favorite color is red. Imma look up economic systems. Wait, what is socialism? Hey! The socialists like red! Oooooooh, their books are also red! I’m sure that these will be good reads-”
  • A few hours later
  • “Huh, I’m an ML now. I regret nothing.”

Though, I’m just asking what was the dumbest reason you get radicalized left-wards.

    2 years ago

    In 2019: Who’s this Tito guy everyone talks about non-stop? Omg this moustache man saved us from Germany in WW2!!! USSR best country it’s not yours it’s ours, vodka, bears, Slav squat, kazotsky kick, earrape anthem I’m so funny👌🤣

    Wait a minute, what if there is more in this ideology? What if I actually read into it… Welp the bearded man was 100% right and I want to kill all the rich and destroy USA and Europe NOW!

    That’s the evolution, funny thing is, in 2017 I wondered: what if there was no religion, it’s unfair that there are so many rich people while half of the normal population can’t afford basic needs and why do we must listen to bad governments, who don’t we overthrow them? Turns out there is a whole ideology based around it. Even tho then I was kind of an anarchist then(I didn’t know the term and ideology for it, my views were like that of anarchism). And here I am. From cringe to based in a few years.

  • Muad'
    2 years ago

    I’ve seen a bunch of posts on /r/anarchism where they were like:

    “I became a tankie to piss off my siblings / parents. Was one for 2 years. Once I learned about how authoritarian the USSR was I became an anarchist”

    Its all just ideology shopping to be contrarian, while doing none of the reading or actually learning what its about.

    2 years ago

    Saw this interview on Fox News back in the day between right-libertarian Ron Paul and conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly. In this interview O’Reilly is trying to warmonger about Iran and then Ron Paul is like “Well I’m not scared of them, I see the Iranians as acting logically and defensively, considering we used the CIA to overthrow their government in the 50’s” and then O’Reilly goes into turbo damage control mode and starts yelling over Ron Paul about how “We don’t need a history lesson” and tries to continue his warmonger rhetoric while Ron Paul keeps saying “I’m trying to tell you it’s our own policies of overthrowing governments that are causing terrorism to increase” etc.

    Basically this conversation was a moment where the contradictions of U.S. foreign policy and imperialism and the inner conflicts of the right wing got accidentally exposed on the main conservative TV network and they tried to sweep it under the rug real fast. Seeing how Ron Paul, the only person I ever heard on TV saying the US should leave the Middle East, got completely smeared and regarded as a total joke and disregarded by everyone, got booed and side-eyed/cringed at in a debate for explaining the logical steps that led to 9/11 and for quoting Al-Qaeda’s reasons, showed me something about how things work.

    Anyway, thanks Ron Paul for making me a communist lol