scenario: you know a chud at your workplace. he shows you a ‘funny’ meme on his phone and you peep his twitter handle. it’s LoliHitler88. you hate this guy so much. can you put his real name and face on a billboard next to his greatest twitter hits if you don’t call him any names on it. is that considered harassment or free promotion. this is a hypothetical
But be careful where and how you print it, I hear they can trace those things these days.
I mean if you’re using your employers equipment they will know who printed it depending on what solution they use.
PaperCut is very popular and logs everything you print, even a copy of the printed file if configured to do so. Minimum: file name, time printed, which printer it was printed at, who printed it, and from what computer it was sent from.
as far as I know it only applies to color printers
I’ve always wondered if I could just order a printer from China to get around this
if you want to try diagnosing printer errors in chinese be my guest