Negotiations over the Sept. 10 spectacle have hit an impasse over whether to leave the microphones on.

    1 month ago


    Let trump ramble his nonsense, and Harris can just say:

    That’s nonsense, now let me talk about how I’m gonna help Americans.

    For someone like trump, being dismissed like that is the absolute worse thing. Everytime they let him talk he’d get more and more unhinged, and Kamala could just stay calm and stay on message. Hell, she could even throw in a couple “you need to calm down” or “why are you yelling”, that shit that sounds like you’re de-escalating but everyone knows it’s just gonna wind the other person up more.

    If there’s open mics, trump will constantly jump in and all Kamala will get to is:

    That’s nonsense

    And they’ll just go back and forth.

    It’s exactly what trump voters want to see, and it’s probably trump’s favorite way to spend an evening.