• lennybird@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Yes. You’re clearly not a student of Thomas Paine:

    Remind me when Thomas Paine elects the leaders and writes the laws of France.

    Yeah yeah yeah… And I’ll even help by giving you another to add to your notebook:

    Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

    - Benjamin Franklin

    And yet, when the liberties of one are at the detriment of another’s, therein lies when Government intervenes — no different than a parent settling a dispute between two children. As I said, private communication can exist: it’s called speaking to an individual in a private room. The difference is that there are moments when warrants warrant an intervention or moderation thereof. So to say again, an intrusion on private conversation should not be easy, but it shouldn’t be impossible when necessary either. Many Democratic nations seem to come to the same conclusion.

    After all, “Secure communication is a fundamental right” isn’t a fact; it is your opinion that has yet to be established, and is thus subjective if not arbitrary in scope and domain. Let’s not put the cart before the horse and present a circular-reasoning fallacy whereby the premise itself has yet to be established.