• Bobmighty@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You failed to mention that a good chunk of that discourse is fake. There are absolutely people not pleased with Bidens stance, and I’m glad to see him calling for a ceasefire and supporting protester rights; but the truth is no matter what, fake outrage will attack him relentlessly regardless of what he does. That’s a simple truth of modern media and it must be factored into any discussion about political discourse.

    You never actually let go of the appeal to emotion. You just tried to wrap it up nicer. You even went for a last sentence stinger which doesn’t land as well as you think. The simple fact is that one party openly wants to go full fascist dictator. Openly wants to be more cruel, more vengeful, more lethal, and more pro genocide to an insane degree. It is extremely naive to think those people are at all playing fair. We must pull out all the stops to slam the door on them. It’s the only logical choice because it leaves us with a government that can be shifted instead of a far right fascist kleptocracy.

    Want to get mad? Get fucking mad at the Republicans who consistently force this kind of choice. They’re super pro genocide so I would assume you would want to do absolutely anything you could to stop them getting more power, right?

    • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      so if you can’t trust that your discussion will be heard and believed it’s even more important to withhold your vote! if they’re not gonna be able to figure out who’s a real american disgusted with the administration and who’s an op, the only way you can communicate is by not supporting the party doing a genocide using your vote.

      my last sentence isn’t an appeal to emotion, it’s something i added after proofreading to make sure my arguments were all logically sound. in all our comments, you and i never established that part and as silly and pedantic as it is, that’s part of making a sound logical argument.

      as i said before, neither you nor i can vote against trump. we’re not afforded that ability. we can’t express through the ballot box that we want anybody but him. we can’t have a ballot counted “i’m only doing this to keep trump out”. what the american political process does allow us to do is express support for parties and their platforms. if a person votes biden, they’re not voting “not trump”, they’re voting “biden”. biden is aiding a genocide. a vote for biden is only interpret-able by the democrats as support for biden’s actions. a vote for biden is literally a vote for genocide in that case.

      the democrats have not been shifted left in at least forty years. it would be illogical to expect that expressing support for their rightward shift during biden’s administration and their fascist crackdown on antiwar protests and aiding of a genocide through your biden ballot would make that change.

      I am not saying the following to support republicans, but to build towards a point: republicans didn’t force this kind of choice. republicans didn’t send billions of aid to israel, enough to implement lots of the social programs and reforms democrats can’t ever seem to get done. republicans aren’t running a president who literally said he wasn’t going to seek a second term. republicans didn’t break the rail strike.

      at some point if you don’t want to have all those failures, if you want to be able to push the democrats left, if you want to have a future that includes the reforms and social programs they promise and never deliver, they have to see that a constant rightward tack isn’t gonna win elections.

      if no one is able to tell what discourse is real and what discourse is fake, your only choice to push the democrats left is to withhold your vote from them and record it for a party you actually believe in the platform of. there will be a record of votes cast for that party and after the dust settles, democrat strategists can say “gosh, it looks like abandoning the left, arab americans and people of color was a mistake”.

      on the other hand, if you feel like there is a way to distinguish real flesh and blood americans who won’t tolerate this abhorrent administration from the ostensible bots and foreign trolls, join me in yelling at the top of your lungs that biden has to stop the genocide, or that the democrats have to drop him at the convention, or really anything except “we have to oppose trump”.

      because there’s more utility in that, more logic in joining a chorus calling for justice even when it includes people you might see as your enemy than the utility and logic in doubling down and supporting what you know to be wrong.

      e: spelling in a few places