Der ukrainische Präsident möchte mehr Schutzräume in Schulen bauen. Die Ukraine verstärkt Verteidigung an der Grenze zu Belarus. Schwere Kämpfe in der Ostukraine. Und: Wohl erste nordkoreanische Schützenpanzer an der Front entdeckt. Der Überblick.
That’s the problem. This is an old school war. If Russia can keep moving the front lines the correct direction them nothing else matters. I don’t say this because I like Russia but because it shows how much more support we need to be giving Ukraine. The manpower difference is something like 4 to 1. The casualty ratio is something like 3 to 1 which is high but within Russian standards. If nothing changes Russia will win this in another few years.
I mean, nothing changing is a big ask, on both sides. It’s still up in the air, and hinges on the American election more than anything else at this moment.
If all that they have to continue throwing at this war is casualties, Ukraine has already won. Russia may have plenty of meat left but they do not have equipment left. And no war, especially a modern one, is going to be won without equipment and vehicles. Ukraine has NATO support behind them and Russia has… North Korea, maybe China if they’re feeling charitable that day.
That’s the problem. This is an old school war. If Russia can keep moving the front lines the correct direction them nothing else matters. I don’t say this because I like Russia but because it shows how much more support we need to be giving Ukraine. The manpower difference is something like 4 to 1. The casualty ratio is something like 3 to 1 which is high but within Russian standards. If nothing changes Russia will win this in another few years.
I mean, nothing changing is a big ask, on both sides. It’s still up in the air, and hinges on the American election more than anything else at this moment.
Yeah we’re sorry about that. We still don’t know how we let our biggest adversary of the last 70 years infiltrate an entire political party.
There’s a lot of truth to that unfortunately. Historically, Russia has shown many times that any number of casualties is acceptable .
Historically inaccurate, and if they were sustaining “just” 1 in 4 they’re literally run out of guys before Ukraine.
If all that they have to continue throwing at this war is casualties, Ukraine has already won. Russia may have plenty of meat left but they do not have equipment left. And no war, especially a modern one, is going to be won without equipment and vehicles. Ukraine has NATO support behind them and Russia has… North Korea, maybe China if they’re feeling charitable that day.