Absolutely no surprise there. When you keep the barrier to entry low and throw in an algorithm to increase “engagement” via outrage, the soup turns to poison quickly.
This is why every time someone says the Fediverse is “too confusing,” I just smile and nod. That attitude of petulant, lazy, self-imposed gatekeeping is what’s keeping the Fediverse a much nicer place to be.
Great, and they’re going to try to federate? Hope it doesn’t go well for them.
Seriously, day one and it’s basically Stormfront Lite
Honestly apps like Threads and Twitter should just be a containment site for these types of people. Let them be…
If threads scoops up all the people who turned twitter and reddit into celebrity gossip meme ghettos and keeps them in the shallow end of the pool then everybody wins
Time and time again, it has been proven that “absolute free speech” online just attracts the absolute worst kind of people.
I did expected them to fail immediately, but this is way funnier than I expected. They either need to start banning immediately and start throwing money at celebs to use Threads, otherwise no one mainstream will ever advertise there.
You mean the non-heavily moderated platforms allow for discussion on topics you care about by people who disagree with you.
If you insist on trying to turn us all miserable and hateful again, then I think you should leave.
Except much like your comment, they aren’t actually trying to have a good faith discussion.
I’ve never had to block one person in my entire time on the Fediverse.
I’ve had to block a dozen in the first hour on Threads.
As the internet becomes more available, mass adoption leads to communities that are very unbalanced. And, more often than not, leaning towards personas we tend to avoid in real life. Reason being, the barrier to entry is not as high. Curiosity is a byproduct of education/environment and lead people to apply resourcefulness to uncover sites/forums/messageboards with like minded people. Yes, echochambers in a way, but these echo chambers were not driven by political beliefs, but rather simple mannerisms and etiquette. Toxicity on sites like Youtube, Reddit, Threads, Twitter, have increased, because Curiosity didn’t drive discovery/account creation, ads or fomo did instead. Mastodon/Lemmy (Fediverse) communities, in my opinion, are still driven by curiosity. For how long, is the question I’d like to impose.
Well…as long as those types are happy with that shit, it means they won’t come to the fed.
Maybe we’ll finally be cool enough to get banned - Klanned Karenhood
Oh, you could have been that cool already. Just do as Ijeoma Oluo did.
Provoke the racists. They will come flooding into your inbox with death threats.
Report the messages to Meta so they can say, “doesn’t violate our community standards.”
Screenshot the messages and Meta’s enabling response, and post them publicly on your Facebook page to show how seriously Meta takes right-wing death threats and hate speech.
Done. Banned “for posting hate speech.” You could have been cool all along, Klanned Karenhood. You just have to go after the right people.
I’ve reported some fucked up shit yet somehow it never violates their standards.
Same on Twitter. Back pre-Elron I was suspended for the stupidest crap: I said I thought Trump would be too old to run for office next year, as he lived an unhealthy lifestyle. That was “wishing harm or violence”, like, what? I didn’t voice an opinion about whether I was all happy about that or something, just simply made that statement. Then someone was joking about the Will Smith thing and something about Kid Rock and I said Hillary Clinton should be the one to slap Kid Rock. That was also horribly violent of me. I appealed and they said NO, YOu are VERY BAD, SORRY. What a waste of time. It’s offensive, too. Meanwhile I’ve reported things like people saying vile racist insults and literally saying they want someone to die, and I get the reply that sorry, they reviewed it and the comment was fine. I’m sure the process is even worse now.
The thing is that liberals feel the need to obsess over “fairness.”
If you really ban hate speech from a place, then it will appear to mostly be inhabited by more left leaning people. The vast majority of hate speech comes from the right.
But at forms WANT those right WI gers to drive engagement, so they don’t enforce their TOS on open racism so long as it’s a conservative doing it. But if you’re on the left and repost it to criticize it you get dinged.
It’s bullshit that shows how many companies are run by fascists who don’t bother hiding it anymore. But the liberals eat it up because it wouldn’t be “fair” to ban conservatives “for their conservative views.”
Momsforliberty. It does not matter where they go. Pure toxic.
Klanned Karenhood
Hoes for Hitler.
^ This is the best one.
Why is everybody on these platforms “4 something” now? Politics isn’t football, you don’t pick your team and have to let everyone know about it.
They are basically corporate accounts that are payed to be bigots online. You are looking at literal astroturf and asking why it doesn’t feel like grass.
In a place with first past the post voting, two parties will dominate and then it does become a sports game.
Two player games are fundamentally different than three or more player games, in terms of which strategies are optimal to win.
If you’re a racist/white nationalist you do in coded language.
I am now 4 being a sloth, working hard is overrated.
Zuck is going to make it real friendly so it’s gonna be nice and safe for advertisers
Clusterfuck is happening!
In my country all the influencers are announcing the same things using the same template. I wonder if it’s a subsidized or monetized shill.
Holy shit, they launched Threads pre-enshittified. Massive time saver if you ask me.
We’re only halfway through 2023, but I already decided to make “enshittification” word of the year for me.
Actually, screw that! Make it word of the decade!
Threads is already banned in Europe and won’t withstand the scrutiny of Federation. Too many bigots. I’m certain Zuck doesn’t care either way. The thing is set up as an advertising medium for the GOP. Same old Cambridge Analytica scheme repeating.
banned or not yet released?
Banned until further notice. Zuck would have to gut the main function of Threads before it will be allowed over there. https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/05/threads-no-eu-launch/
I am shocked by this turn of events. Shocked I say.
well not THAT shocked