• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Well…he also said trump would be his vp, and that putin was president of Ukraine.

    In short, Biden says a lot of things these days. Just like how we beat medicare!

    • Obinice@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      You’re probably being downvoted not because you’re technically wrong, he’s said all those things after all, but because you’re making your comparison in bad faith, and thus your point doesn’t stand.

      He said all those things because he’s very old and unfortunately showing some senility that comes with the territory of being so close to the end of life.

      Whereas this post is discussing official, vetted and correct remarks. An entirely different kettle of fish, as you well know.

      • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        He said all those things because he’s very old and unfortunately showing some senility that comes with the territory of being so close to the end of life.

        The problem with this, is he’s THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

        Its cute when old people get part time jobs at movie theaters, or walmart, or simple things like that. If a walmart greeter doesn’t say “Hi, welcome to walmart”, nobody dies.

        But this is the guy whos ultimately in charge of the military. And its scary to say that guy is in all likelyhood going to run for president again in 2024. If he loses, we get trump. A guy whos already stacking the dominoes to fall before election day even happens.

        And if Biden wins, we get 4 years of a slow dissent into dementia. By the time 2028 comes, the world would want a drastic change. Just like they wanted a drastic change from bush in 08. Except this time, the drastic change will be trump. Running for the 6th time in his life. Because trump won’t stop running until he either gets a second term, or dies.

        And we already saw what happens when the DNC runs a party nobody wants in office. Thats how trump went from total joke to face of the republicans for the past 8 years.

        So no. I don’t trust Biden in office, but I also don’t want trump anywhere near the white house. Not even as a tourist.