A bunch of eighth graders in a “wealthy Philadelphia suburb” recently targeted teachers with an extreme online harassment campaign that The New York Times reported was “the first known group TikTok attack of its kind by middle schoolers on their teachers in the United States.”

According to The Times, the Great Valley Middle School students created at least 22 fake accounts impersonating about 20 teachers in offensive ways. The fake accounts portrayed long-time, dedicated teachers sharing “pedophilia innuendo, racist memes,” and homophobic posts, as well as posts fabricating “sexual hookups among teachers.”

  • lmaydev@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Absolutely not correct at all I’m afraid.

    People seem to think we have the ability to control our kids to a huge degree.

    Plenty of children with amazing, loving upbringings turn into garbage people. And some of the nicest most kind people I know were raised by abusive scum.

    Plus teenage years are difficult for most kids as they find their place in the world and their friends have almost as much influence as parents at that time.

    You also can’t know what teenagers are doing all the time. Especially at school.

    Furthermore some people seem to just be born assholes and it doesn’t matter how you raise them.

    I’m going to assume you don’t have teenagers. They can change into a different person overnight once the hormones kick in.

    • buddascrayon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Yeah, it’s one of those things a parent can’t control, undue influences. Not just media, but other students and even adults who find their way into a child’s life and attempt to influence them.

    • Gigasser@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I dislike the nature argument since it’s often used to entirely sidestep the nurture argument. I think that maybe it might be better as a society to restrict children(not legally) from, or atleast reduce their usage of, social networking and social media sites, atleast until their teens.