• tacosanonymous@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I’m a raging leftist but I’m getting tired of “deontologists” telling me they refuse to vote for Biden then telling me how great Xi Jinping is.

    • Rooskie91@discuss.online
      3 months ago

      I have to caulk it up to young people learning about socialism and communism for the first time, but they’re only reading Marx and Lenin.

      Like hey guys, they lost pretty hard. Maybe we shouldn’t do exactly the same thing and in fact there’s decades of work outlining what we should do instead?

      • PugJesus@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Fuck man, even Marx and Lenin don’t cotton to the common tankie arguments about all non-socialist movements being the same.

      • OKRainbowKid@feddit.de
        3 months ago

        That’s the charitable interpretation. The less charitable one is astroturfing aiming to further destabilize “the west”

        • jkrtn@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          A “leftist” earlier this week told me that Joe Biden is responsible for Dobbs because it happened in 2022. That’s a cosplaying Republican. The red hat will be back on his head end-of-day November 3rd.

        • h6a@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Yes! Their positions and actions are suspiciously very demobilising.

          No unity even in the most basic stuff. No willingness to hold a constructive conversation. Things have to be done in their way or you’re labeled an enemy. Doctrine above humanity. Incessant nitpicking.

          How do they intend to build socialism if they can’t even have an honest, good faith conversation?

        • Daft_ish@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          It was crazy the amount of red scare shit circling when I started on Lemmy. It was like they were trying to radicalize people by pitting them against the “crazy leftists.”

          God, please never let McCarthyism make a come back. What a waste of our time and energy.

          • oatscoop@midwest.social
            3 months ago

            The problem is there are crazy “leftists” on lemmy. Your instance defederated from the instances home to the worst of them, so you probably didn’t get to experience it.

            Imagine people the adhere to some of the worst parts of right-wing fascism, but with “leftist” branding.

      • frezik@midwest.social
        3 months ago

        I can understand looking back to them for some useful stuff. “Commieblock” housing served a purpose at the time, for example. They brought huge masses of people into an urban environment with indoor plumbing, electricity, and climate control, which were not a given in their previous living situations. They were meant as an interim solution to last a few decades. For what they set out to do, they were a great success. The only problem was that the followup to better options was never done.

        But the Leninist/Maoists can never leave it at pulling out successes like that. It’s almost always “America bad”, “Holodomor isn’t real”, or “Cuba only sucks because of sanctions”.

        • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          you kinda had me in the first half, ngl.

          america is bad, research by anticommunist historians after the fall of the soviet union lead to the irrefutable conclusion that holodomor isn’t real (holodomor means intentional genocidal famine, not just that there was a famine that lots of people died in) and cuba has problems but the main reason it sucks is because of sanctions.

          • frezik@midwest.social
            3 months ago

            Famine because of bad policy is not a win, either. That’s the best case interpretation. However, there are plenty of tankies who will tell you there were no mass deaths at all.

            • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              may i see the tankies saying there was no mass death during the famine? I have never in many years of interacting with communists heard someone say that.

  • spujb@lemmy.cafe
    3 months ago

    the “Voting is Not Harm Reduction” article is possibly the most covert insidious thing that’s happened to online political discourse since 2019.

    somehow, it’s managed to SEO weasel its way on top of every other article since the dawn of the internet for the search terms “voting harm reduction” and similar. and not just once, but reposted to every corner of the internet imaginable. literally try it now, if you set your google search to find articles before February 5, 2020, you will see inumerable articles with diversity of positions on the topic. after that? literally just the same article reposted and crosslisted, with the occasional reddit/twitter/tumblr comment thread.

    it’s not even a bad article per se, it’s just indecently self-contradictory as OOP says, admitting at the beginning that small rights can be preserved by engaging in voting, and then pulling a 180 and accusing those who vote of perpetuating white supremacy.

    like i get it, harm reduction has a specific meaning originating in addiction treatment. but for heavens sake, this flub of language doesn’t mean you should throw away one of the only miniscule rights the oppressor class has granted you to help your neighbors.

    editing to add this comment thread and article which i think give helpful insight.

    • Mouselemming@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      Hard to believe I had to scroll down so far for this. I heard HER on NPR this morning, did a doubletake when reading the post. Thank you. Is it surprising it’s a woman protecting women from the dictates of long-dead ignorant men? No, although sadly it’s not a given. Is it surprising an AG is assumed to be male? Even by a person who supports what they do? Just shows how far we have yet to go.

  • Daxtron2@startrek.website
    3 months ago

    Been arguing with a tankie about this, decided to stop after they said a civil war and another genocide was preferable to voting for Biden because he supports Israel. Yeah ok bud

    • theangryseal@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Yeah see, I don’t care for genocide. Genocide is not very cash money at all. So, see, in opposition to genocide, I’m gonna sit over here have a preference for a different not cash money genocide, you know, not really but yeah. Oh, and I’ve read accounts of war. I can handle it, I’m well read on the topic. Blood, guts, spit, and ass aren’t that scary. With all of my experience reading about war, I’m practically a shell shocked WWI vet anyway, hehe.

      • Daxtron2@startrek.website
        3 months ago

        Don’t worry I understood your comment was satire but honestly it’s not far off from the tankie I was arguing with.

  • Ummdustry@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    If you really absolutely will not vote for moderates, at least vote for leninist-marxist peoples front of Arizona or something. There’s a politican somewhere who will see that 0.15% and think “that could make or brake my campaign, how can I win them over?”

  • GarfGirl [she/her]@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    Speaking personally as a brit i’m not going to comment on whatevers going on with the american election but in the case of britain at least im absolutely not going to be voting for Keir Starmer since most of the left neoliberals in this country telling me i have to swallow my pride and vote for the most right wing and second worst (to his “credit”, unlike Tony Blair, he doesnt have the blood of a million iraqis on his hands, only 30,000 palestinians) party leader labour’s had in recent memory were the exact same people 5 years ago saying they couldnt in good faith vote for the most far left, trans positive labour leader in decades because he criticised Israel which led to the largest conservative majority in years.

    Under Sir Kid Starver, Labour stopped members from voting for a ceasefire right at the start of the Palestinian genocide, members have repeatedly been expelled over bogus antisemitism charges, starmerite labour’s trying to push to have the NHS privatised, the party has pivoted so far to the right that you have promiment members saying “Margaret Thatcher was a visionary leader for the U.K; no doubt about it", they’ve proposed policies to segregate trans people out of single sex NHS hospital wards and those are just the things from the last few months or so that i remember off the top of my head.

    I’m going to vote for the Greens instead.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.devOP
      3 months ago
      • I’m not even from the US: Check
      • Claim of LGBTQ identity: Check
      • Lots of the content posted by the user is just generically-relatable memes: Check
      • Account was recently created: Check
      • Emotional framing (“left neoliberals in this country telling me i have to swallow my pride and vote for”): Check

      I actually guessed that most of those would be true, and the point of view that the message would express, the instant I read “Speaking personally as a brit” and before I expanded the message.

      • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Hey you can fuck off.

        This person has an older account than you and seems less like a shill from their post history than you. Calling someone’s identity into question because they oppose your political views is also a trash move.

        Stop trying to bad jacket people and be normal.

      • GarfGirl [she/her]@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        3 months ago
        • At no point was in weighing on talking about the US, I was talking about the UK. I even said “as a brit i’m not going to comment on whatevers going on with the american election”
        • I’m not “claiming” my queerness or some shit, i live it and i face the consequences of living it
        • yes, most of my posts are in the garfieldist subreddit which i made because i like garfield and the femcel_posting sub for transfems because I’m a transfem and i find the memes funny, sorry that i have a personality and other interests that arent just politics
        • my account is literally almost three times older than yours
        • the thing you posted was far more emotive than mine and literally accuses anyone who doesnt want to vote for an accomplice to genocide of saying “vulnerable people should die for my ideology” (frankly i dont care which people vote for but to say anyone protesting bidens complicity in the bombing of gaza just want to kill gay people or whatever while the democratic party tells them they just have to accept that “palestinians should die for our ideology” so that biden can win the election is disgusting), but because i very briefly expressed in just one sentence a fraction of the anger i feel at the (entirely cis) starmerite talking head harpies in this country who supported the tory majority into power so that we’ve had five years of uncontested rule by them and who arent affected in the slightest by the institutionialised transphobia of the conservative and labour parties yet expect me to come happily to vote for the man who entirely bulldosed the most progressive party britain has ever had and is directly calling for me and people like me to be segregated out of our crumbling healthcare service suddenly im the one being emotional or whatever?

        im not even refusing to vote, im just voting for a different party which isnt actively trying to screw me over, why would i ever vote for Sir Keir “trans rights can’t override women’s rights” Starmer?

        • mozz@mbin.grits.devOP
          3 months ago

          Makes some amount of sense. And sure, I have no idea if you’re telling the God’s honest truth about all this stuff or if you’re exactly what I’m accusing you of being. (My server for some reason showed the wrong age for your account, so strike that one.)

          But, the fact remains – I am not lying when I tell you I predicted exactly a bunch of the features of your account, and more or less what you were going to say in the post (the talking point that people are trying to pressure you into voting for the less-harmful candidate when you emotionally don’t want to, and that you’re taking a principled stand against it by refusing and voting for a third party instead, which is an incredibly common shill talking point) just from reading the few words. If it’s pure coincidence and you just happen to hit all those shill boxes by accident then I apologize, but honestly, I doubt it.

          • GarfGirl [she/her]@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            3 months ago

            my vote for the Green party isn’t an emotional “I cant bring myself to vote for this piece of shit” thing, its entirely a strategic vote - it signals to the Labour party that there are people willing to vote for them if they were to move back to the left rather than constantly chasing the votes of the mytholigised moderate conservatives who are finally too disgusted with the rampant corruption and infighting of the current conservative to keep voting for them, it helps the green party gain more ground that labour wont get a >51% majority in the houses of parliament so they’ll have to coalition build with the green party and listen to some of their demands if they want to get stuff done (after all, they’re not going to be coalition building with the Workers Party of Britain since its basically just one guy who hates the modern labour party with a burning passion and gives a speech at the house of commons every now and again about how the county of Rochdale needs more NHS funding and also how Starmer and Sunak will be seeing the fires of hell for their crimes), and there’s not much risk of the conservative party winning now after the last decade of corruption stories and infighting (the funniest of which was the exposé of david cameron’s pig fucking ritual about a decade ago imo), the splintering of the far right of the party to join with the remnants of the Brexit Party (which was formed of the remnants of UKIP and the overtly fascist British National Party) and form into the Reform Party and the split off of some of the left of the party into the Liberal Democrats Party and, in a few cases, into the starmerite Labour Party.

            Before the genocide in gaza i was still considering holding my nose and falling in line just in case, but seeing the rabid zionism of the Labour Party in action as loads of MPs have either been forced out for alleged antisemitism for criticising Israel or left in protest over the culture that Starmer’s forced onto the party from the top down gave me a realisation that it was necessary to actually vote for people who will oppose them in parliament rather than just hope that someday they’ll change and get better