Thank fuck. This man can go down in history as the savior of the Republic if he fucks off and endorses someone else.

    3 months ago

    It’s very difficult for ambitious people to admit that they’re done. Once you reach the pinnacle, it’s hard to give up, because the only way forward is down. LBJ is held up as an example, but it was difficult for him, too:

    On Inauguration Day (January 20, 1969), Johnson saw Nixon sworn in, then got on the plane to fly back to Texas. When the front door of the plane closed, Johnson pulled out a cigarette—his first cigarette he had smoked since his heart attack in 1955. One of his daughters pulled it out of his mouth and said, “Daddy, what are you doing? You’re going to kill yourself.” He took it back and said, “I’ve now raised you, girls. I’ve now been President. Now it’s my time!” From that point on, he went into a very self-destructive spiral.

    Consider how screwed up the SC is right now. Yes, a lot of that is due to Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham playing games, but it’s also due in no small part to RBG not resigning when many told her she ought to. Now, it’s quite clear that she was capable of the job at the time, and would only be stepping down for political expediency, so Obama could have named a younger replacement. If RBG had retired, and the court was less of a clusterfuck, we might not have appreciated how important that moment would have been.

    It’s hard enough to take the car keys away from Grandpa, it’s harder to take the keys to power away.

      3 months ago

      It’s hard enough to take the car keys away from Grandpa, it’s harder to take the keys to power away.

      People aren’t even really trying to take Biden’s keys away…

      They’re just saying we’re not letting him drive the kids to Country Kitchen Buffet anymore.

      We don’t know if there’s going to be an accident this time, or ever.

      It’s just bad risk assessment to let him keep going to until an accident happens

      Even if he beats trump, that doesn’t mean he’ll be a capable president at 85 when this next term is up