• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Dems are not Fascists, they’re pro-Oligarchy or broken down for ease of understanding: they want to reduce the power of the State - which is the one Power that is controlled by voters through elected representatives - over Money by having the State refraining from “intervening in the Markets” and “Regulate” but still enforce things like Land Ownership, so that Money is the dominant Power and the State serves only as the wielder of Force that protects Money’s exclusive rights to what would otherwise be the Commons and from pushback from the rest of Society.

    (Consider the possibility that the level of abuse of police violence you see in the US is not by chance)

    Republicans are the ones with Fascist leanings.

    They’re two different kinds of far-right and they both want to weaken the power that common citizens have via the vote in Democracy, but they have different ideas about who should really be in control (Republicans is “us”, Democrats is “those who can pay us the best”) and very different takes on the Morality sphere (Democrats are fine with freedom and equality as long as it’s not on Money and things controlled by Money - so LGBT rights are fine, but a Judicial System were the rich don’t have massive advantages over the poor is not fine - whilst Republicans want to impose their own twisted version of a Judeo-Christian Morality - minus the good parts like turn the other cheek or Greed as a Deadly Sin - on everybody else)

    In summary: there is no Left Party in the US, there’s not Center Party in the US, there doesn’t even seem to be a pro-Democracy Party in the US. At best there are a handful of token lefties in the “lets weaken Democracy but keep the Theatre of it” Party.