I am learning English for around 5 years and I still can’t comprehend the meaning of “would” and “count” in some context. are they just past form of “will” and “can”?
“would you like coffee” means a person is asking if you liked coffee in past? “I would do it” means I did it in past?
I really don’t understand since my language doesn’t have anything like those words.
Edit: Thank you for answering my naive question :)
Could is maybe-can: I bet I could jump over that car [if I wanted to].
As opposed to I bet I can jump over that car [and I’m going to try].
Would is maybe-will: If you saw an alligator, would you run away?
Would is also ‘did’, for habitual actions. When I was young, I would wait by the window for my father to come home.
Great answer, straight to the point, easy to understand for non-native English speaker
… and you also add this last part that I didn’t know.