• Schadrach@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 months ago

    Since he unwaveringly supports the Zionist regime because they’re Jews, it seems reasonable to conclude that his support of some ethnicities but not other makes him a racist.

    He supports Israel because they’re our only real ally in that region of the world. It almost doesn’t matter what they do, we’ll continue to support them on that alone unless and until we get another significant ally in the Middle East.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Sending 2000lb bombs - well known for their massive collateral effects and hence innocent civilian deaths when used in an urban area - to a nation that’s bombing a city and had by then already killed tens of thousands of civilians there, is well beyond merelly “supporting” them and well into supporting the Genocide itself.

      Merelly “Supporting an Ally” that’s doing what Israel is doing would at most go up to the US vetos at the UN Security Council and even that would only go so far and by the 10000th dead children would have changed from veto to abstention.

      The smartest “Ally supporting” move for the US would’ve been to turn absolutelly neutral at around the 2nd or 3rd month of the Genocide.

      (PS: This last one is actually what we saw with all other nations out there which saw Israel as allies, so most Western nations except the US, UK, and Germany - after the 7th of October, when pretty much all of them came out supporting Israel, as over time it became more and more clear that the Israeli actions were not defense but outright Genocide, they turned from supporters to in most cases absolutelly neutral and in some cases against them. Merelly “Supporting an Ally” is what the likes of France did, not what the American Biden Administration did).

      The damage that this shit is doing for American soft power around the World must be immense - not even Trump managed to project in the minds of the well-educated the World over the impression that the US willingly and knowingly gives Genocidal nations bombs to murder children with.