Yes another person who doesn’t understand why the metric system sucks. American’s (fuck yea) use only useful and descriptive units, so obviously MiB, KiB, GiB, etc. because who cares what the closest rounded Ten’s digit is? The computer world deals in Bits.
I use Kb, Mb, Gb, in my world (networking). And MiB GiB and TiB when I want to know the actual size something is.
When I interned in a NOC I referred to bandwidth in GiB/s once or twice. The looks on the senior engineers’ faces were priceless.
Size of an uncompressed image of the Washington Crossing the Delaware painting = 1 Yankee
12 Yankees in a Doodle
60 Doodles in an Ounce (entirely unrelated to the volume or weight usage of ounce)
1 bible = 69 porn clips = 420 feet (unrelated to the other measurement)