Are protesters upset after watching Israel nonstop slaughter thousands of children for the last 6 months???

No. That can’t be it. They’re all just secretly anti-semitic or something.

    5 months ago

    In 6-months, Israel has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, and wounded more than 78,000.

    70% of those casualties are women and children.

    Israel has destroyed more than 221,000 housing units, leaving almost half the population homeless.

    Israel has decimated their civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage.

    Israel has destroyed 26 hospitals, killed more than 400 healthcare workers.

    Israel has destroyed every single University in Gaza, 56 different schools, and badly damaged hundreds more, leaving over half a million students without access to education.

    Israel has violated international law. It has blocked foreign aid to help these people, leaving them starving, sick, destitute, and dying…

    …and you’re staying that everyone in Gaza is dead because Hamas is to blame? How do you do the mental gymnastics that allow you to fully absolve Israel of all blame in their tactics? I’m genuinely curious what goes on in that sick, twisted mind of yours.

    Just go ahead and say you support the genocide of the Gazan people. It’s essentially what you’ve been defending for months now…