I’m pretty sure someone else did, it’s irrelevant because I provided links and you didn’t bother to do any research you just discarded them by look alone. So again dumb or not arguing in good faith so you can drop the indignation as it’s fairly stale.
No, they did not. You are lying when you say that, just like you were lying when you claimed it the first time.
Here’s a link that proves every claim you made this whole conversation is wrong. It literally says on this page that, in this specific comment chain, nobody had provide a link to a source at the time you claimed they had. The link is: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/
See, I can provide irrelevant links and lie about what they say just like you do.
I literally did use them and they didn’t show anything you claimed they showed after I said they wouldn’t and you doubled down that they did. I literally provided screenshots. Liar and troll.
The point isn’t to screenshot it, it’s too use the bar resources of the aflcio, nlrb and BLS websites which provide pretty literally any statistics you’re curious about. Your laziness or inability to do research isn’t my concern, I’m not your teacher so I’m just going to point you in the right direction and how you can figure it out on your own. You apparently can’t or didn’t and instead want everyone to do the leg work for you so all you have to do is find some increasingly idiotic reason to say “Nuh uh” and provide no counter evidence.
No one lied crybaby.
They aren’t unrelated you’re just removeded or arguing in bad faith. I’m know my guess as to which.
You literally did lie. You claimed I had been “provided sources” at a time when not a single source had been provided anywhere. That’s called lying.
I’m pretty sure someone else did, it’s irrelevant because I provided links and you didn’t bother to do any research you just discarded them by look alone. So again dumb or not arguing in good faith so you can drop the indignation as it’s fairly stale.
No, they did not. You are lying when you say that, just like you were lying when you claimed it the first time.
Here’s a link that proves every claim you made this whole conversation is wrong. It literally says on this page that, in this specific comment chain, nobody had provide a link to a source at the time you claimed they had. The link is: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/
See, I can provide irrelevant links and lie about what they say just like you do.
Who cares?! You have them now and you’re not bothering to use them because you don’t care you’d rather just object to object.
I literally did use them and they didn’t show anything you claimed they showed after I said they wouldn’t and you doubled down that they did. I literally provided screenshots. Liar and troll.
You already admitted you didn’t, why lie now?
I didn’t at first, then I went back and did.
How do you think I got screenshots of the page without visiting the page, exactly? Please tell me, I’m fascinated to hear your explanation.
Yeah that’s called inconsistency like I said.
The point isn’t to screenshot it, it’s too use the bar resources of the aflcio, nlrb and BLS websites which provide pretty literally any statistics you’re curious about. Your laziness or inability to do research isn’t my concern, I’m not your teacher so I’m just going to point you in the right direction and how you can figure it out on your own. You apparently can’t or didn’t and instead want everyone to do the leg work for you so all you have to do is find some increasingly idiotic reason to say “Nuh uh” and provide no counter evidence.