(I am not the author)

  • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
    5 months ago

    It wasn’t so much about the money so much as the enshitification of the services we provided. They basically treated people like cattle, and I didn’t like it. They often cut programs that actually taught meaningful technical knowledge and skills. The tipping point was how my last Uni dealt with the pandemic. The bare minimum quality of online courses was one issue, but a bigger issue is that most courses were still required in person. I did the math and figured that by opening at full capacity that some students would die as a statistical probability based on age demographics and trends in outbreaks for the area at that time, and it was a special kind of soul-shredding to participate in a system that indirectly murders the youth who would lead us to a better future.

    But maybe I’m just a wuss, idk.

    Free Form Schooling, at least in the USA, lacks federal accreditation and therefor students would not have access to federal aid including Pell Grant, Subsidized Loans, and Unsubsidized Loans. So the students would have expenses with no income or they would have to pay high taxes on income during their schooling. If you’re interested in trying a local college for an Associates to get your feet wet, then fill out the FAFSA online and you’ll see roughly what aid you qualify for, usually enough to get by depending on the rates of the schools you chose.

    • Jarix@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Thanks for the reply I dont really know much about accreditation so that is a new thing to think about.

      I was asking about pay not as an insinuation(¿?) that had anything to do with why you left, i was just curious what you feel is an appropriate wage for teaching in your opinion.

      I wonder what it would take, probably some kind of administered association. Like if someone formed an independent educators union that could then detail what a member must do to prove they qualify for teaching. Then charge what you want for running your own classes as you see fit without the need for a campus. Like i love learning but cant do online or self directed learning. Ive only ever been in classes with 30+ kids so i figure there are other models to try.

      Once upon a time people had teachers brought to them and formal schooling wasnt much of a thing outside military institutions or great empires (though many exceptions did exist im sure)

      Im not sure what an ideal class size is, but if you can cut down the hours needed to pass a course, people would probably be willing to pay per course directly to the person teaching and everyone would have a better experience

      And in this modern world, being able to retrain to new things seems really important given expecting to work a job for 25 years then retire from it seems like something that is getting almost impossible to find if it isnt already

      To me, and my rose coloured glasses it seems like an obvious choice if the institutions of learning stopped actually caring about the learning

      And things like uber show us we can massively reorganize how we spend time on both sides of supply and demand

      • FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
        5 months ago

        Uber is incredibly unethical with how they treat their “contractors” as well as their customers, and that sort of thing is exactly my concern relating to my previous position. An ethical upright institution would be ideal, but decentralizing it might not be any better or worse as a means of achieving that.