hated him long before the Ukraine war, so can confirm this is false
This is fake. I mean, fuck the guy, but he didn’t say that. This is the actual screenshot before the edit.
We are not at risk of going bankrupt, you fear mongering piece of shit.
Not just Musk spam, now we need to deal with fake Musk spam too.
Edit: not a real link
I think we all knew that that was a joke headline, yeah?
Honestly? No, not entirely.
Those crawls at the bottom of the screen can be written in a way that take liberties in order to get a viewer’s attention.
Plus the guy saluted on national TV. He also tried pinning the Twitter hack on Ukraine. I put almost nothing past him.
The line between reality and satire has never been this blurry.
In this reality we live in? It was better for me to spell out that it is indeed a joke before someone else takes it seriously.
And i thank you
Reality has gone to shit, bro.
Based on the replies to the post, no
Satire is entirely dead so probably not. However it’s him and his MAGA buddies that killed it so I’m totally fine with them paying for it with some misinformation.
I think if this immigrant wants to stay in our country he should have to pony up his billions to help with the deficit. He can make more of a difference than literally anyone else.
Conservative blames someone else for their faults?
Color me unsurprised.
Just once I would like to see them hold each other or themselves accountable…
People can use the "both sides’ argument, but at the end of the day, Democrats will actually remove sexual predators or other bad apples from their cabinets, and Republicans don’t.
I think it’s a mistake to attribute all this to drug use. For one, it further demonizes drug use, and second, it takes blame off his shoulders when he has proven plenty enough times that he’s a fully hateful, narcissistic pos all on his own.
I wish we lived in a world where we asked ourselves if this is something he really said.
Instead we live in a world where we ask ourselves if this is a meme.
Came here with the same question, is it a real quote? or a meme?
You would think that he’d be used to it by now, since he’s obviously had the same basic personality since middle school, and everyone undoubtedly hated him then too.
That’s why he tried to bury this picture of him tryna be an edgelord.
He’s always been a loser he just hid it with mommy and daddy’s money.
Except almost the entire internet masturbated to his alleged genius not even five years ago, when he was already calling people pedophiles and talking bullshit about trains in vacuum tubes. He was the „messiah” that’s going to „save us from global warming”. Thats why the „enoughmuskspam” subreddit was born, because some people seen through him even then and couldn’t stand all the cum covered headlines.
Sure, but it is my impression that all of that started to vane just because he called people pedophiles and shit.
Well he did loose some of his followers with every piece of shit that came out of his mouth, but not enough. Those people who believed he was the sole guy behind paypal, tesla and space x gave him enough of a platform to become president now.
i used to wonder if he’d have turned out better without the merciless bullying when he was a kid. now i think his bullies were on to something and were our only hope at avoiding all this
Billionaires should NOT exist.
Removed by mod
Must be quite the challenge to be among the intellectual elite and see all these absolute morons trying to promote deranged ideas like compassion and societal harmony.
Feeble minded leftists
I miss when reactionaries talked like adults and not C-list sunday morning cartoon villains. Give me a Dick Cheney or a John Bolton over this cringe-tier baby talk any day.
Fucking hell, the worst thing that happened to you dickheads was winning because this is the calibre of comment you feel it’s OK to shit out now. 2/10, must try harder
Wow five hours old and blocked. A new record.