David Bowie has some questions and criticisms about MTV’s lack of videos featuring black artists in this 1983 interview with Mark Goodman.Subscribe to MTV Ne...
I don’t need to know where you grew up. Youre alive right now. So you grew up in a world that was heavily influenced by black artists that you’ve never even heard the name of. I was trying to give you an “out” for your absolute stupidity and ignorance. But you just decided to doubled down. You clearly have a child’s understanding of history. I can’t help you with that. You have to seek it out on your own. Otherwise you can keep sounding like the really ignorant but confident uncle at the Thanksgiving table.
I don’t need to know where you grew up. Youre alive right now. So you grew up in a world that was heavily influenced by black artists that you’ve never even heard the name of. I was trying to give you an “out” for your absolute stupidity and ignorance. But you just decided to doubled down. You clearly have a child’s understanding of history. I can’t help you with that. You have to seek it out on your own. Otherwise you can keep sounding like the really ignorant but confident uncle at the Thanksgiving table.