And all you’re doing is expecting people to kiss your collective asses while you all sit around and smugly talk down to everyone while making bullshit proclamations.
That’s laughable. After decades of politicians measurably ignoring their constituents and making laws their corporate donors ask for, you accuse people of being egotistical. That’s straight up bullshit dude.
Yeah. I don’t take anyone that says “blueMAGA” seriously, and I don’t believe anyone else should either.
We had a chance to avoid this. You all chose entitlement and stayed home. So stop with the electoral reform bullshit. It’s not happening now that you helped Trump seal the deal.
“oh the people who won’t do anything will keep doing nothing”
Oh shit whatever will I do with their feelings being hurt. Poor little fee fees. Fuck the people that sat out or protest voted or were dumb enough to pretend Trump actually would help bring peace anywhere much less to Palestine.
What are they going to do, be upset that they have to hear the truth?
So people who do shit all are going to do what exactly when their fee-fees are hurt? People that do nothing are worth nothing and don’t need to be treated better than that.
All you’re doing is ensuring people ignore the Democrats. They hate politics. They don’t trust you or the parties. Yelling at them just confirms it.
And all you’re doing is expecting people to kiss your collective asses while you all sit around and smugly talk down to everyone while making bullshit proclamations.
That’s laughable. After decades of politicians measurably ignoring their constituents and making laws their corporate donors ask for, you accuse people of being egotistical. That’s straight up bullshit dude.
All you’re doing is demanding people to vote for your preference while doing nothing about getting people representation.
Keep me posted on how the electoral reform campaign is going in your state. Thanks
Yeah. I don’t take anyone that says “blueMAGA” seriously, and I don’t believe anyone else should either.
We had a chance to avoid this. You all chose entitlement and stayed home. So stop with the electoral reform bullshit. It’s not happening now that you helped Trump seal the deal.
“oh the people who won’t do anything will keep doing nothing”
Oh shit whatever will I do with their feelings being hurt. Poor little fee fees. Fuck the people that sat out or protest voted or were dumb enough to pretend Trump actually would help bring peace anywhere much less to Palestine.
What are they going to do, be upset that they have to hear the truth?
I’m sorry but are you yelling into the void or trying to motivate people to vote?
This is Lemmy, we’re all yelling into the void here good fellow.
So people who do shit all are going to do what exactly when their fee-fees are hurt? People that do nothing are worth nothing and don’t need to be treated better than that.
They will continue to do nothing. Which is, if I understand what you want, counter to your intention.
I don’t want them to do nothing; they’ve shown they will. They’d rather do nothing than save their country. Worthless.