• Bloomcole@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Listen, I am the others.
    Both sides of the US uniparty is horrible and has ‘affected’ the world since forever.
    And not in a good way.
    If they for once get a taste of their own medicine and the orange clown expediates the decline even faster I’m all for it.
    They have been ruled by this imperialist regime since forever.
    They were perfectly fine profiting from it.
    Now they don’t even get the crumbs since the pie has to be shared with growing world powers.
    And their system is canibalising itself.
    As always, use other ‘friends’ for their proxy war, destroy the EU 'friends economy and now their own people.
    I doubt these pacified drones will do anything other than this BS or maybe change their avatar.
    They will follow the harmless clues and directions from the other side of the oligarchy claiming to be ‘the resistance’.
    There I’ve educated.
    And I can encourage them to look at France or plenty of other countries that know how to fight for something.
    But then they they need to grow a pair of balls and struggle.
    I bet they won’t, after all they have been told (non-state) ‘violence is bad’ and like you marvelously embody to VOTE.