So I’m working on a server from home.
I do a cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate
and it says unknown
despite the interface being obviously up, since I’m SSH’ing into the box.
I try to explicitely set the interface up to force the status to say up
with ip link set eth0 up
. No joy, still unknown
Hmm… maybe I should bring it down and back up.
So I do ip link set eth0 down
and… I drive 15 miles to work to do the corresponding ip link set eth0 up
50 years using Unix and I’m still doing this… 😥
A few months ago I accidentally dd’d ~3GiB to the beginning of one of the drives in a 4 drive array… That was fun to rebuild.
Like 3 weeks ago on my (testing) server I accidentally DD’d a Linux ISO to the first drive in my storage array (I had some kind of jank manual “LVM” bullshit I set up with odd mountpoints to act as a NAS, do not recommend), no Timeshift, no Btrfs snapshot. It gave me the kick in the pants I needed to stop trying to use a macbook air with 6 external hard drives as a server though. Also gave me the kick in the pants I needed to stop using volatile naming conventions in my fstab.