Basically title, YouTube music suggests the same songs over and over again.
I don’t want to maintain my own library of music, which is why I use streaming services.
Basically title, YouTube music suggests the same songs over and over again.
I don’t want to maintain my own library of music, which is why I use streaming services.
Out of principle.
I mean I understand and support DRM free media, but I literally don’t understand what OP is asking for. If they don’t want to own/manage the music, then what part would be DRM free?
Well, they want the service to stream the music as-is without encrypting it.
Any music app or any web service these these days will use HTTPS to transfer the music, so it will always have been encrypted.
DRM only matter for offline files
Different encryption. SSL is dosigned to prevent carriers from accessing your traffic. DRM is designed to prevent you from having control over how your computer accesses media.
Well, OP doesn’t want to maintain a local music library, that means that they have already given up the control over their media, so in this case DRM doesn’t really matter.
Using a streaming service does not mean you want to give up all control. It’s just that you want an algorithm to choose the songs for you instead of having to choose them yourself.
Thanks for jumping in on this. I just think OP has heard DRM bad and not thought about what DRM means. Once youre asking for a service that does everything for you, DRM doesn’t really play a role.
I could see an arguement for open playlist formats or something so you could move your account history around, but there is a limit to how useful or practical that would even be.