Excellent feature. One of the first things I check anyways when buying early access games is when the last news post was.

  • SolidShake@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    That doesn’t make sense since the community as a whole would have to support a game before it hit the steam store. So… idk what you’re talking about. Grenlight was like a “hey guys I made this game where you play a stick man and you do a gem puzzle to unlock a flash animation naked furry girl!” No one would allow that to be greenlot, therefore it would never be on steam

    After greenlight every fucking pos on the planet has made some kind of $2 scam game making Nintendo’s eShop look normal.

    No greenlight = anyone and everyone can put anything on steam and sell it.

    • dustyData@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      What you don’t remember where the armies of bot accounts it brought into Steam. People would pay for votes and get scams and money grabs greenlit while indies couldn’t even get a foot on the door. YouTube channels made series about playing the shovelware and mocking the system. There’s a reason it was done away with.