• Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      If you live in a “developed” country, and you are not homeless, you are probably not in that 50%. That 50% largely lives on ~3 dollars a day on average.

      • Iceblade@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Not necessarily. Folks in developed countries have much greater opportunities to rack up debt and large negative equity. I would not be surprised if the bottom % are made up of students and gamblers that in practice have a far higher standard of living due to their access to money, relative to the developing world where people with a “net 0” balance are starving to death.

      • mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        The word “state” when used this way refers to a group of people that feel entitled to use violence to formally dominate a given region. Unlike a simple gang, they create strict formal hierarchy and have rules that apply to those they dominate but not them. They are allowed to use violence and this is acceptable, me and you are not allowed to defend ourselves, we are to give up virtually all our “rights” to self-defense to the state. A state gaslights it’s victims into believing that it is necessary to protect them from themselves and other states, and the only way civilization can exist.

        This is not to be confused with “government”, which is a management function most states perform to some degree and which does not require a state.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I never like this particular comparison because there are so many people in the world who have nothing, or nothing but debt. Is hard to tell from it how much is the wealth of the top or the poverty of the bottom. It would almost be better to compare to the next group down, or to an average or something.

    Maybe a graph with one block being the richest person, and then groups of the next n richest people, however many it takes to equal the richest. And then keep doing that, so there’s more and more blocks to equal the richest. I bet it ramps up really fast.