Insurance at my last company was so low, I’m not certain what it cost. $50mo. I think? When I started it was $35.

Let’s do math. $20 every 3-months for a copay to get the doctor to re-up my prescription, $10 for the pills, $30 total. Add in whatever my employer paid for my part over 3-months, add in the doctor’s cash-price difference. You get the idea.

And I probably could have found a way to cut the prescription price in half, or less. Ideas? That company Mark Cuban started? (Looks like it’s $8.23/90-days there, haven’t dug in on total price.)

Just learned about direct primary care, may jump on that if my new job doesn’t cover insurance, or it isn’t worth it. Thoughts on that?

Obviously I’m an American. You don’t know how sad that made me to type. It’s humiliating.

    1 month ago

    Had a stroke in November, 3 days stay in ICU, clot busting drug, CT, MRI, EKG, Ultrasound of heart, and several other tests and drugs later and I’m pretty much fine. Total? $240,000 without insurance. Gotta love the American health care system. Or lack there of.

      1 month ago

      Dad had a clot in his neck causing vascular dementia. Stent, 4 days obs, battery of tests before and after.

      Expenses: parking and machine-snacks. #canada

      Fucking Robbins (brand) parking fascists. They control all the hospital parking lots.

      Anyway, that was it. We don’t even pay a monthly premium/membership anymore. It’s all out of taxes, and my bro who has to pay in both countries finds his US taxes are still higher despite the healthcare added into his Canuck taxes.

      Dad’s mostly good. He could see 90.

    • Midnight
      1 month ago

      I had a hemorrhaging stroke a decade ago. Wasn’t expected to make it through the night. Spent a few days in the icu, a couple weeks total in the hospital. 3 weeks as an in-patient at another facility for physical, occupational, and speech therapy. 10 years later and I’m still hobbling with a cane, partially blind, cognitive struggles. When I switched from in to out patient, I was only able to go for a couple months before there was insurance woes. My father had us on a plan with public safety, and yearly costs were $36k afaik. Which is absolutely, completely and without question, fucking horse shit. But the upside? The hospital bill alone - not counting any therapy - was over a million. From my understanding, we paid essentially nothing.

      Fucking insurance, what the shit.