I like fish.
On one hand, I don’t think I would approve of this.
On the other hand, I’ve seen Gemma Chan as an android in the British version of Humans.
Just wait until “AI” can carry actual conversation, read hints, and make references.
Get me Joi from Blade Runner and we’ll talk.
That’s because you’re bigoted against robosexuals, old man!
Call me old fashioned but mutants belong in the sewers and robosexuals should join them!
You just want to spend all of your time making out with your Lucy Liubot!
That title makes me feel things.
I think we’re surprising close to the Futurama Napster episode
Do you want Gazorpazorp? Because this is how you get Gazorpazorp.
Another convert to the L Ron Hoover Church of Appliantology. Don’t plook too hard. The white zone is for loading and unloading only.