Feel this is a dumb question that probably has a dozen easy solutions, but I’m stumped. Watched a couple of videos, but those were for catching overpopulated insects and it’s too damn cold right now any, nothing even under the rocks.

For the first time in life I have roaches I cannot beat. Always been easy, clean well, lay down boric acid, rinse and repeat when the last round of babies gets loose. Done. These fuckers have plagued me for a couple of years now.

Got a pet chameleon for my birthday. First reptile! Started in on breeding crickets in another tank, but this is also a first and will take months.

See where I’m going with this?

My desk vivarium is rocking with roly polys and I just dropped 20 crickets. I’m feeding them store-bought bug food that I mix and freeze into chunks. I’m thinking I could bait the roach traps with that, but hell, anything should do, right?

Even if/when I run out of roaches, I need a way to harvest the bugs from the desk tank.

Ideas? Something they will crawl in easily, but can’t get back out?

  • Jerb322@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If you have a small plastic tub, like for a small count of super worms. Cut a “ramp”, three sided cut, into the lid. Put food or water in the tub and bury in the substrate up to the lid. The ramps, I put two of them, in the lid should be short of the bottom so the new residents can’t just climb out.