• pyre@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    every time these lizards say shit like this I get more vindicated in saying people who believe “ai” “art” is legitimately art are not human.

    “making moosic with eenstrooments is such a terrible experience am I right fellow hoomans?”

    no you fucking bot. people who do it are delighted by it and most of those who don’t do it wish they could.

    • Skullgrid@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      and most of those who don’t do it wish they could.

      ok, out of the people who , let’s say, own an instrument, how many do you think fall into this category?

      All this generative AI for “creative works” basically makes it so that if you lack the skill to do something, you can feed it something among the lines of what you want, and it will do the hard work that takes years of effort to achieve for you.

      In the right contexts, it allows for personal curation of art the user can imagine but lacks the technical ability to create.

      Of course, corps and assholes looking to make a quick buck are also abusing this to make money at the expense of genuine people who are expressing something and have honed a craft. Guess what, that shit’s happening anyway, Taylor Swift is charging 5k for tickets to watch her lip sync to music she didn’t write and isn’t singing at the concert. It’s already fucking over, and has been for ages. It’s even worse, there are bands out there that have bothered to hone their craft and are out there touring their asses off, but because they “found their niche” are basically phoning it in and making the same fucking album every two to five years. Great work. Think about the last few meshuggah or mastodon albums. Violent sleep of reason, koloss and immutable are variations on the same fucking ideas. at least the band grew and tried to find themselves, and perfected themselves in the era between nothing and obzen. Mastodon stopped giving a shit since Crack the Skye.

      EDIT : If I want to hear hardcore mixed with lounge , and I don’t want to learn to scream, play the sax , drums, guitar, bass etc, and I have a machine that can interpret that for me, why shouldn’t it enrich my day? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ-K647LViU

      EDIT2 : You wanna tell me that there’s more value than the latest Boardroom generated pop album with no AI compared to Pho Que which was made by someone who understands what goes on under the hood with the way the AI would generate the music to fulfil their personal tastes in music and curiosity?

      EDIT3 : You know what, I’ll even multiple down. I spent the morning checking out bands from a gig poster in town, unheard regional bands, and you know what, they were all generic and mid. 6/10. I was hoping to go to the gig, have a good time, discover great local talent, but I don’t want to, since it’s not worth it to bother going out to do that while I have other responsibilities or ways of having fun.

      I’m still listening to Pho Que (ai generated by the guys at dadabots, through suno, the company in the OP) and I’m enjoying myself more than when I was listening to their generic efforts at black metal. There’s more dynamics, more surprises and it’s better overall.