If they can elect a felon to the white house, so could we.

Edit: Better image, thanks to @[email protected]

  • PresidentCamacho@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Your argument was that he wasn’t popular enough, my argument is that he never stood a chance In the DNCs primary regardless of popularity with the voters. Now if you wanna say Bernie couldn’t win against the entrenched DNC superdelegates, then yeah obviously. But if you wanna say he couldn’t win the popular vote in the election, well I’d love to show you Hilary, someone even diehard DNC voters didn’t give a shit about to the extent that she lost to an orange toddler, and that’s who the DNC went with.

    As an aside the reason Bernie losing pisses people off so much is he is the only candidate for president that has existed in decades that actually ran on a platform of representing the people, with a proven track record of being on the side of the people, and not just pretending to while gobbling billionaire dick.

    • peregrin5@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Two things can be true. He was both not popular enough and didn’t lay the foundation to succeed within the DNC.

      Even three things can be true. The two above and Hillary was also unpopular outside of the Democrat party. But she was still popular enough to win the primary.