Non-anime non-small-kid animation, especially series. (8-adult is fine, no porn)
I have a pretty big collection so far (tho I’ve not yet acquired much from before the 80s cuz I don’t really care for most of it) so I’m off to a good start in preservation :)
This already looks terrific. I’m deeply in love with Hilda and Pantheon is already on my list, so this seems to be like a great list for me to explore. Thank you so much.
Non-anime non-small-kid animation, especially series. (8-adult is fine, no porn)
I have a pretty big collection so far (tho I’ve not yet acquired much from before the 80s cuz I don’t really care for most of it) so I’m off to a good start in preservation :)
Care to give some recommendations? :)
Depends heavily what you are interested in.
What sort of thing have you watched and enjoyed?
However, for more general-purpose, less super well known (as far as I’m aware), recommendations, I really enjoyed:
I’m gunna arbitrarily stop here, I have a lot more recs if those don’t suit your taste, as those are mostly just things that have come out since 2019.
This already looks terrific. I’m deeply in love with Hilda and Pantheon is already on my list, so this seems to be like a great list for me to explore. Thank you so much.