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“This was intentional,” said U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib. “You don’t accidentally kill massive amounts of children and their families over and over again and get to say, ‘It was a mistake.’”

    1 month ago

    Nonsense. Israel is claiming there were Hamas commanders responsible for recent West Bank attacks hiding under the tents. How is that possible when Gaza has been sealed and blockaded since 2007? And how are Hamas commanders allegedly in a land cleared by the IDF and in a “safe zone” the IDF told civilians to move to?

    The IDF has a miserable track record of being proved to be lying by reporters over and over and over again, and even this claim strains credibility.

    • I think Israeli and Western intelligence knows better than you, and more importantly, they have more credibility than Hamas and Hamas loyalists, whose job it is to exaggerate and lie. Want to talk about straining credibility? Let’s talk about how nobody who died in air strikes is ever a Hamas members, there’s hundreds of miles of tunnels in a tiny little area and Hamas loyalists pretend they don’t know where they are, pretend they have no idea who is launching thousands of rockets day after day. Give me a break. The IDF on the other hand, actually has a track record of arresting and prosecuting war criminals within their own ranks. Hamas has a track record of giving them cash prizes.

      1 month ago

      And how are Hamas commanders allegedly in a land cleared by the IDF and in a “safe zone” the IDF told civilians to move to?

      I refer you to every guerrilla war ever.