I’ve got lock screen and home screen combos for each of my 7 focuses: Personal, Work, Driving, Vacation, DnD, Gaming, Sleep.
Personal is family and home screen is the inside of a cathedral Work is mountains and the lock screen is ocean waves Driving is my car Vacation is the ocean with a sailboat on it DnD is the Moon Gaming is black with full color icons Sleep is black with B&W icons and dimmed everything.
I love birds, especially ducks!
Well then I got one for you :)
Actually there is another one
Mine. Love this artist.
The picture I took from the overlook this spring at Fallingwater.
I went on a whim, as I like architecture, but I’m not super into it, but this house was amazing.
That’s smooth as fuck
Whoever the default is on my device.
One of my own photos of some landscape that I have seen when on vacation.
On my desktop PC, they rotate automatically every 6 hours, and the selection of pics fits with the current season.
On my mobile devices, one picture stays for 2-3 years.
I dunno it came with the house.
Not much wallpaper used in my house. But I do have some drywall that’s protected with a simple woven glasfiber.
The best