A great example of corporate/state propaganda. Go fuck yourself Bret.
The same New York Times that downplayed Germany’s treatment of their Jewish population in 1939. FROM THEIR CORRESPONDENT IN BERLIN!
They’ve always been the benign face of evil. Palatable enough to appear left, but just parroting the same distractions and obfuscations.
Was that also duranty?
>opinion columnist
No one ever cares here. The NYT does this explicitly to avoid being an echo chamber but, well, people love echo chambers.
You mean “launder shit they couldn’t in a million years justify publishing otherwise”?
This was also an editorial: https://workingclasshistory.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/02.03-irrefutable-Washington-Post.jpg
I’m confused, this is an article from the Washington Post?
You are confused: it’s an editorial from the Washington Post.
Ok, but isn’t the OP about the NYT?
The root comment of this chain, to which you responded to, is, in it’s entirety:
opinion columnist
It does not specify a paper. Nor is the practice of employing columnists for opinion laundering limited to the NYT.
Sure, but the context of the post is NYT. Feel free to start your own thread about the WP I guess?
Opinion columnist who they saw fit to print. Do you see any opinions there that are examining why the murder has been so widely celebrated, rather than manufactured consent crap like this?
I can’t read Bret Stephens’ bullshit. I try, but it’s always nauseating.
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this is america. lacking media literacy is our whole deal. we tell ourselves to avoid propaganda, stick to the “real news” then people who grew up surrounded by propaganda come here and are like “oh holy shit, y’all actively consume propaganda, this is WILD”
But NYT is"publicly" owned!
So is the federal government, that’s why it’s okay when we’re mistreated and oppressed - the majority of public voted for it. Excuse me, the “majority of the public” voted for it.
Just cancelled my $1/wk subscription to NYT and straight up filled out all the surveys and feedback bits to say Bret Stephens sucks.
My anus is not the source of a horrible pile of feces, Bret Stephens is
New York nazi Times.
I find the article very interesting as a piece of propaganda - it plays heavily into the classic rags to riches meme - just focuses on the individual so to completely ignore the systemic problems that he perpetuated in his “earned” position.
Many people thought the establishment was on their side. Now they realize they couldn’t give a shit about them.
Nah man, please stop, let’s do some culture wars… You wouldn’t want to kick of a class war?
The media & establishment has been waging class warfare for as long as I can remember. Usually they have everyone fighting amongst themselves. They’re scared that people are seeing the real perpetrators for once.
Dead CEO won’t reform the industry. Gonna take a ton of public pressure for that.
And they are already chipping away at unity.
Old Bedbug Bret Stephens at it again!
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