A community to index interesting Lemmy communities throughout the fediverse.
Post community links in one of the 5 main post topics (closest that matches,
discussion on main topics can happen in the discussion thread). Please also
provide a very brief description of the community. (max 80 characters to make
scrolling through a list easier.) Link format must be !community@instance -
Description of community ex.
[email protected]
[email protected]] Community rules: 1. Be respectful of other
users. Topic post rules: 1. Only post link to communities in the topic posts,
discussion should happen in the separate discussion post. All discussion will be
removed in the topic posts to make it easy to find community links.
Is everyone 5 days behind LW? I don’t quite really grasp how exactly there is a 5 day lag, shouldn’t Lemmy be close to real time? I don’t fully understand what’s going on in those charts but it looks like the delay will be gone in a few weeks/months?
As far as hosting it on a different instance, this is just kinda a playful experiment. If it goes well anyone can copy the list and put it a version of it on their server.
I clicked 5 of the links in the lemmydirectory github/wiki list and all of them the last post was 1 year ago. That’s what kinda sucks about all the indexes is that they’re either the extremely popular communities which show up in the communities tab, or extremely dead communities. The goal is to get a list of extremely active smaller communities and without changing Lemmy source code myself, this is the next best thing I could think of to make a list like that.
Aussie.zone is, and a few other instances regularly have issues. The issues have been here for months, are not going to be fixed any time soon as the latest Lemmy version still has issues like the pictures one: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/5196
Some additional details:
If we were to open an index community on let’s say lemmy.zip, known for their transparency and reactive management (https://lemmy.world/post/22643868), would you consider closing [email protected] and redirect to the new lemmy.zip community?
When two similar communities coexist, the LW version always dominates due to LW size, so the non-LW version is always struggling, and people don’t know where to post.